Chapter 8

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After driving around in a couple of circles, they were able to find the apartment where this Jade girl was living in. (Y/n) felt the buzz of her phone in her pocket enough times on the car ride to take it out and block Luke's number like she should have done before. She didn't know why she hadn't, but it felt so good to do it now.

Alan was harping on about something that none of them were listening to. "It's got Ted Danson, and Magnum P.I., and that Jewish actor."

"Shut up, Alan," Stu snapped, having enough as they walk down the outdoor hall of the apartments. "What room was it again?"

"It's 825," Phil answered, and Stu looked at all the apartment numbers once, then twice again to be sure.

After a couple of doors, a woman walked out of one of the apartments on her phone and gasped when she saw them, hanging up the call she was on. "Thank God, he's with his father!!" the woman, most likely Jade, gushed when she saw the baby. "I was freaking out. I missed you sweetie," Jade said as she took the baby from Alan, who looked at her oddly. She then turned with a much darker tone and said to Stu, "And I miss you." She kissed him deeply and graphically on the lips, making Phil cough as he shared an uncomfortable glance with (Y/n), although she might not have been the best person to look at in that situation. It only reminded them both of what they woke up to this morning. When Jade pulled back, she smiled and said, "What the hell happened to you guys?"

"Actually, we were hoping you could tell us," Phil said, but Jade didn't understand.

"What do you mean?" she asked in a playful voice. "I got up this morning, I went to get you guys all coffee and I came back and you were gone." She looked between all of them, no one speaking out of pure confusion. "Why are you being so quiet?" she asked Stu in a bubbly manner.

"I'm not being quiet..." Stu said, rather softly, still not understanding this entire situation.

"Ha-ha! You're so cute!" Jade gushed, and turned to the others. "Here, I gotta feed Tyler. Come inside, you guys." Jade grabbed Stu's hand and pulled him inside with her, the other three following.

"Did you hear that? Baby's name is Tyler," Alan said in a downtrodden voice.

"Yeah, I thought he looked more like a Carlos too, buddy," Phil said, lightly pushing Alan inside before taking (Y/n)'s hand and leading her inside too, dropping it once they were in the apartment.

Jade sat them all down on the couch in her living room, her sunglasses off. She was a beautiful woman, and she was far nicer and happier than Melissa ever was. (Y/n) thought in her head, if she could see Stu with anyone, it would be Jade over Melissa any day.  Jade was in the kitchen holding Tyler as she poured a cup of sweet tea for Stu, and looked at them from her spot in the kitchen. "Okay, what's up? You guys are acting weird." Jade asked with a squint of her eyes.

"Look, it's Jade, right?" Phil asked as she walked back into the living room, tea and baby in her hands.

"Very funny, Phil," she said, obviously thinking it was a joke, when in reality, the four of them felt like they had just met Jade only today.

"Right, Jade, um, you remember our friend Doug?" Phil questioned as she gave Stu the glass of sweet tea.

"Are you kidding? He was the best man at our wedding!" Jade exclaimed, smiling down at them.

"Exactly. Well, we can't find him, and we're getting a little worried" Phil explained, but Jade merely laughed.

"Oh, my God! That is so Doug!" she said with a giggle, but soon after, Stu spit out his tea all over Jade and Tyler, causing the baby to start crying. "Oh, sweetie, I'm gonna go clean him off. It's all right. Daddy didn't mean it," she said as she walked away from them.

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