Chapter 4

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(Y/n) couldn't see anything. All she could see was black as she slowly woke up, her head pounding and her stomach roiling as if she was on a roller coaster. She was oddly warm, and looked to see herself lying on the ground covered in blankets, someone's arm around her waist, holding her. She saw she was only in her strapless bra and underwear, and looked up to see Alan had just fallen on the floor, letting a bunch of pots and pans fall down with him. Stu was sitting on the couch, mouth open in pain as he groaned. Looking around, she couldn't see Phil, and she realized that the arms around hers were Phil's, who was shirtless, and she internally started to panic. Eyes wide, she slowly unwrapped his arms from around her, and slid out from under the covers onto the cold ground, shivering as she did.

Looking around as best she could for her blue suitcase for something comfortable to put on, she searched the apartment, but couldn't find it anywhere. She couldn't even find her clothes from last night. Taking a blanket from the couch, she wrapped herself in the white sheet and sat down, feeling like she was going to throw up. "Oh, my God..." she muttered, not having noticed Alan went into the bathroom. Suddenly, a shout was heard from behind and she looked to see Alan falling over where she had just woken up, tripping over Phil.

"What the fuck..." he mumbled sitting up with his eyes squeezed shut in pain as Alan whimpered from the ground. Opening his eyes, he looked over at Alan and said, "Control yourself, man. Goddamn, will you put on some pants?"

"Phil, do not go in the bathroom!" Alan said in fear, breathing heavily.

"Al, just calm down. It's me," Phil said, trying to ease Alan, who still didn't have any pants on.

"Phil, there is a tiger in the bathroom!!" Alan screamed, not going anywhere near the bathroom.

"What's going on?" Stu slurred, still extremely woozy from the night before.

"There's a jungle cat in the bathroom!!"

"Guys, has anyone seen my clothes? Or my suitcase?" (Y/n) asked from the couch, her arm resting over her eyes as she kept herself covered in the blanket.

"Um, (Y/n), I think I- I found your clothes from last night," Phil said, pushing the blankets he woke up under aside. Sitting up from the couch, she looked to she her pants and shirt under the blankets, only adding on to what she suspected happened last night. Oh, God she thought to herself as she got up to take her clothes back. "Why'd I sleep with your clothes...? The fuck happened?"

"You didn't just sleep with her clothes," Alan stated, still jumpy from the tiger he saw in the bathroom. "You slept with her."

"What?" Phil asked, looking at him confused as (Y/n) took her clothes back.

"We don't have time for that right now, there is a tiger in the bathroom, Phil!!" Alan continued his rave about the tiger as (Y/n) looked anywhere but at Phil, who was still shirtless.

"Okay, okay, Al. Al, I'll check it out." Phil said, standing up straight as Alan told him not to go in. "I'll check it out." Phil took one passing glance at (Y/n) for a moment before heading towards the bathroom. Alan was whimpering from behind the couch for Phil not to. As soon as Phil opened the door, a growl was heard and he slammed it shut. "Oh! Holy fuck! He's not kidding! There's a tiger in there," Phil laughed, Stu looking at him in disbelief.

"No, there isn't," Stu claimed, unable to believe that a tiger was in their 4200 dollar villa bathroom.

"Yeah!! It's big. It's gigantic!" Alan continued, unable to shut up about the tiger.

"You okay, buddy?" Phil asked

"No, I am in so much pain right now," Stu said, but was cut off when a shout came from (Y/n).

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