Chapter 14

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The sun had finally come up over the desert as the four of them drove through the dirt to where they were to meet the Asian man who held Doug hostage. The high from their money had burned off, and now, as they saw the black car waiting there for them, all they could focus on was getting Doug back and getting the hell out of Vegas in time for his wedding. Phil pulled up in front of the black car, stopping thirty feet across from the hood.

He turned off the engine and set down the keys, letting out a breath and saying, "Now what?"

"Give him the signal," Alan spoke, and Phil's eyebrows came together in uncertainty.

"What signal?"

"Flash your lights. Let him know it's on."

"What's on?"

"The deal," Alan said as if Phil were an idiot.

"Of course it's on. We just drove 30 miles into the desert. He knows it's on," Phil stated, gesturing to the black car across from them.

"Phil, just do something," Stu said, losing his cool a little.

"Just, flash your lights, I guess," (Y/n) said, and glanced back at Alan, who gave her a nod.

"Fine," Phil said, and turned the lights of the car on before shutting them back off again.

After he did this, the men in the other car started to get out, stepping onto the dry sand of the Nevada desert. "See?" Alan said to make a point.

"All right, let's go," Phil said, and opened his car door to get out. (Y/n) climbed out of the passenger's window as well as she could, and dropped her feet on the ground and began to walk forward with Phil, Stu behind them with the money. Alan was having some issues getting out of the back seat, and ended up falling to the ground.

The Asian man laughed as he pointed at Alan, saying, "Ha-ha, funny fat guy fall on face."

"You okay?" Stu asked Alan as he got up, who nodded as Stu brushed off the dust from Alan's jacket.

"All right, we got the money. Eighty grand, cash," Phil said, (Y/n) standing beside him as Stu and Alan came up next to her.

"Throw it over. Then, I give you Doug," the man said, and (Y/n) just realized she didn't know his name.

"Uh, I'm sorry. First of all, good morning," Stu greeted him rather politely for this stand off. "And we didn't catch your name last night."

"Mr. Chow. Leslie Chow," Chow answered, and (Y/n) was sated with this information, relieved she didn't have to refer to him as 'the man' anymore.

"Mr. Chow, it's a pleasure. My name is Stu. And, we would very much appreciate an opportunity to see Doug before we give you the money, just to verify that he's okay," Stu said rather intelligently. (Y/n) was too caught up in this entire situation to think that this might not be what they thought. "If that's- If that's cool."

Chow took off his glasses and nodded, saying, "Of course, Stu. That is cool." He clapped his hands together twice and shouted to his bodyguards, one of them pulling Doug from the black car, the bag still over his head and his voice still muffled.

Stu and Alan both looked on in relief, but (Y/n) was eying this with a newfound sense of suspicion. Doug was wearing a white button up shirt and black jacket with black pants and shoes when they last saw him. This Doug, if it really was Doug, didn't seem to have any of it. He had a brown jacket and a striped shirt. "See, he fine," Chow interrupted her thoughts. "Now, give me money or I shoot him, and I shoot all you motherfuckers, and then we take it. Your choice, bitches."

"Give him the money, Stu," Phil said, but (Y/n) had a ping of doubt in her mind as Stu tossed the money.

"Wait, hold on!" she shouted, but it was too late. The money was mid-air and landed in the hands of the bodyguard next to Chow, who shrieked as it passed him. "Goddamn it."

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