Chapter 11

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Once Alan was fully awake, they ordered a raw steak from the Caesar's kitchen, and Alan collected his bag of what he thought was ecstasy, but was actually roofies. Doing a rock-paper-scissor showdown between Phil, (Y/n), and Stu to decide who would give the steak to the tiger, Stu ultimately lost, and watched on defeated as Alan stuffed a bunch of roofies into the raw meat.

"This does not seem fair," Stu complained for the hundredth time.

"It's rock-paper-scissors. There's nothing more fair," Phil claimed, watching as Alan put the roofies in the steak.

"Alan should do it."

"Alan took a punch from Mike Tyson, and a kick to the balls from (Y/n). Come on. For Doug," Phil said, as Alan began putting pepper all over the steak.

"Hey, what if the tiger doesn't like pepper?" (Y/n) asked as he set down the pepper shaker. "What if that sends it on some sort of pepper-filled frenzy?"

"Tigers love pepper, don't worry. It's cinnamon they hate," Alan said, looking up at her before back down at the steak.

"What, how do you-" she started, but Phil put his hand on her back, causing her to look at him, and he just slowly shook his head no, telling her to not even try.

"Phil, just do it. You should do it," Stu tried again.

"I would, but you lost. It wouldn't be right," Phil shrugged his shoulder, trying to seem somewhat 'honorary' to get out of feeding the tiger.

Alan lifted the steak from the plate, and looked to the others as he said, "Okay, I jammed five roofies in there. Just go in there and throw it in to him." Alan gave the piece of steak to Stu, who reluctantly took it from his hands.

"Fine," Stu muttered, and got up from his seat to go to the bathroom where the tiger was kept.

"Make sure he eats the whole thing," Phil called after him, and Stu gave him a 'fuck off' glance as he headed into the tiger's cage.

"Oh, God, I hope he doesn't get mauled," (Y/n) said quietly, holding her hands up in a steeple to her mouth.

"As long as he's not an idiot and gets out of there as soon as possible, he'll be fine," Phil said, standing up from his seat to go wait near the bathroom.

It took a couple of moments of watching the door, but soon, they heard a growl, a scream, another growl and another scream before Stu came rushing out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him as fast as he could, pale as a ghost and panting. They looked at him expectantly, so he said, "What do we do now?"

"We wait," Alan said, and they all looked between each other before going off on separate paths through the hotel.

(Y/n) looked through the hotel, searching for any sign of a clue or something that could tell her what happened last night or what happened to Doug. Going back into her room, she saw the bed was an absolute mess, pillows thrown all over the place while the sheets were bunched up and scattered throughout. Looking through it, she found dots of ink on the white sheets. Furrowing her eyebrows, she expanded the sheets more to see more of the ink dots. "Goddamn," she muttered to herself, and remembered the tattoo that sit on her chest. Curious about how the rest of it looked, she looked at the standing mirror in the room and took off her shirt before taking off her bra and looking at the dragon that wove along her skin. She had to admit, it was pretty badass, and Phil had taste in tattoos, even when drunk.

"Hey, I- oh, fuck-" she heard Phil's voice, and quickly turned around when he walked in the room. Phil turned around too, closing the door behind him. "Shit, sorry. I should've knocked."

"You're fine, you're fine," (Y/n) assured, quickly putting her bra and shirt back on. "I'd rather you than Alan, anyway."

"Yeah, he'd probably just end up staring at them," Phil said with a chuckle in his voice, making (Y/n) huff with a smile on her face.

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