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Danny's POV

Los Angeles, CA

The sound of my alarm wakes me up out of my elusive sleep, sometimes I wonder what it would be like sleeping forever, what would happen? I don't let my thoughts swallow me because that never ends up good, but sometimes I can't help it.

I roll over to check my phone I notice that it's 10:27 AM pacific standard time, I unlock my phone and head over to Instagram to check my feed and keep up with the latest news on family, people, friends, etc. I'm currently in LA, I was supposed to meet some famous influencers here but apparently, they had to "reschedule the events" I'm not from around the area, so it was definitely upsetting when I got the news that we couldn't meet up due to inconveniences.

After a lot of scrolling and letting the time pass by, it is currently 11:19 AM, I finally gathered enough strength to get out of bed and do something with my life today. After taking a cold shower, brushing my teeth, and changing clothes, I make my way downstairs to the lobby after calling an Uber and waiting for it to arrive, I've been in LA for a good three days and I have no whereabouts of what to do and where to go, this concludes me to post an opinion box on my Instagram to see if any LA locals know any good breakfast spots.

Once the Uber pulled up I checked the poll and most of the replies included the bagel broker, so I guess that's the destination. I tell the Uber driver my location and enjoy the ride. Once I arrive at the bagel broker I thanked the Uber driver whose name I learned was Ismay. I walk into the bagel broker, and I'm instantly hit with the perplexed smell of sesame seeds and delightful circles of bread being baked, I walk to the counter and order a bacon egg and cheese on top of a sesame bagel.

I pay for the bagel and state my name on the order while going to sit down and wait for my sandwich. "Danny", I hear my name get called out as I make my way to the front to grab my sandwich I bump into a man who is about 6'5 with brown hair, we both are at the counter standing there asking for the order.

At this point, I rationalize that both of our names are Danny which is a coincidence in itself, we check the order to actually see if it's mine or his, and I can smell the aroma from the crispy bacon in the brown bag which concludes him that it's my bagel. Danny hands me the bag and apologizes for running into me, I accept his apology and walk outside to eat my bagel. I see Danny walk out with his order a little in a rush, his sandwich is in a green re-usable bag labeled with a V.

He must be vegan I gather from the bag as I watch him he gets into a black tinted SUV and pulls off. I wonder what he does for a living? I chuckle to myself and continue to eat my bagel while scrolling through Instagram enjoying the LA sun grazing my shoulders that are out due to the sleeveless t-shirt that I purposely ripped to add some pizzazz to my outfit I mean it's LA what do you really expect?

I finish my sandwich and start walking around the city or any relative place that is close to the bagel shop. While walking, I take in the succulent trees, the lovely birds chirping, and the cerulean sky, LA may not be that bad, but it defiantly doesn't compare to New York where I'm originally from. The weather is one of the upsides it's kind of diverse unlike in New York, It's either cold or freezing. 

The seasons consist of winter and ice age some people would say I'm being overdramatic, but maybe you just have to live in New York practically your whole life to know what I'm talking about. I shudder just thinking about the cold weather. While walking, I ended up at the hotel, I probably lost track of time I walk into the lobby and greet the receptionist while walking to the elevator, I step into the elevator and click F3 once the elevator stops on the third floor I proceed to exit and go to my room.

When I enter my room I am awaited with fresh white towels, I take the towels and go to take a warm shower to relax my tense muscles, Once I get out of the shower I lay down and scroll through Instagram until I feel my eyes get dense and sleep began to take over my body.


I wake up to the same alarm from the previous morning, I take a cold shower to wake me up, and I proceed to brush my teeth and post-mates some coffee. While waiting for my coffee I scroll through Instagram, each day I think of how grateful I am to have a striving lifestyle on several social media platforms, It's really created a reliable source of income by working on my own hours without taking other people's orders and request. 

After scrolling through Instagram I decided to pack my bags because I am heading home later tonight back to New York City while packing I hear a knock on my door I get up to answer it and notice a caramel Frappuccino waiting for me. I continue to pack up and continuously take sips of my Frappuccino with my flight awaiting me in less than 4 hours.

2 hours have passed, and I am currently in the back of the Uber driving to the airport, The Uber driver isn't like Ismay, but I couldn't have a problem with that it is pretty late, We arrive at the airport, upon arrival I get out the Uber with 45 minutes before my flight departures this leads me to sit on my phone and scroll through Instagram while waiting to get on the plane. While waiting, I notice a crew of people with big cameras as the cameras start flicking there is noise in the distance they are all yelling this person's name, but I am too distracted by what they are yelling, to pay attention.

 I don't get a close look because they look like they are encompassed by the people with the cameras as the person begins to reach out of sight the people who I have to now consider to be the paparazzi continue to follow them, It gets loud with the questions and people speaking so loud over each other you can't comprehend at least one of the questions fully. 

As they get out of reach of my field of view I glance back at my phone until I see a familiar face, based on what he was wearing in this case all black, I concluded that he belonged to the group that was rather far in front of him. 

He drops everything he was carrying knowing that he is far behind I get up and help him, and he thanks me without looking up and making contact, but once he picks up all the belongings that were dropped due to his rushing he tilts his head up, and we lock eyes.

**if there are any spelling errors please comment where**

authors note: I will start showing some characters as the story progresses, so there are face claims for both Danny's, but you can always imagine them how you would like. 

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