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621 17 3

Billie's POV

Los Angeles, CA

Before I can unlock the door I hear my name get called by Danny. 

"Yes, Danny?" I replied back to her 

"Listen Billie I really enjoy being with you, Dammit I enjoy you being in my presence I enjoy your body or the way you bite your lip when you find something attractive, the way you only eat taco bell because you feel like it's disrespect if you eat at any other fast-food place, I like your personality, and most of all I like you and I cannot let you walk away again, I understand you've been hurt before but I'm not that person. Just give me a chance, be my girlfriend?"

I stand there frozen that was not what I was expecting, I smile at her, "Let me think about it" I jokingly tell her I see a flash of fear wipe over her. "Of Course, I'll be your girlfriend!" She smashes her lips into mine as we make out on the porch. She slides her tongue in my mouth as we fight for dominance but I let her win. She begins to suck on my neck until she stops before finding my sweet spot. "We should take this inside yeah?" She asks I nod eagerly needing her right now. 

We slowly tiptoe into my room being sure to not wake up Finneas and Claudia. When we enter I close the door and Danny picks me up and lays me on the bed. we continue to make out until she progresses and goes back to attacking my neck. "Can I leave marks?" She asks me I let out a whimper "Y-yes" She nods her head and begins to suck on my neck attacking it with red marks until she finds my sweet spot making me let out a breathy moan. "Can I take this off?" She asks referring to my dress. "Yes take it off please" I whimper leaving me only in a black thong and lacey matching bra. 

"Take this off please" I refer to her pants, She slips out of her pants and shirt being left in a sports bra and boxers. I start to unclip my bra until she stops me. "No rush baby I got you" she states almost making me orgasm off her words. "Can I take this off?" She implies to my bra, I nod and give her permission. She finishes what I halfway started taking off my bra. She then proceeds to cup my boobs while attacking them with hickeys. going further and further down until she is met with my stomach. 

"Let me take these off for you," She says as she pulls down my thong. She then starts teasing me as she slowly scapes over my core kissing in between my thighs so close to my heat I can feel her breathing on it. I try to grind against her for any type of friction but am stopped by her forcing my hips down.

"It's ok I got you baby" When she says that she slowly leans down and sucks on my clit causing me to let out a loud moan. "Shh you wouldn't want to wake up Claudia and Fin would you?" She says sending vibrations through my clit. She picks up the pace and begins to flick my clit" "Oh my god yes right there don't stop" I moan out while grabbing her head and pushing her down. She continues flicking until she stops making me sigh in frustration. "you ready?" She asked me but before I could answer she slowly slipped her finger into me, making my walls clench around her. "Mmm your so tight for me" She replies while flicking my clit and pounding into me. 

"Oh O- fuck fuck fuck" I state as I feel a knot in my stomach. Danny notices that Im close and begins to slip another finger in pounding into me. "Im-gonna- fuck Im gonna c-" before I could say it I released all on her face and hands. "O-oh shit," I say while trying to catch my breath until Danny starts back to flicking my clit with her tongue "We aren't done yet baby," She says and slips 3 fingers in "I can't," I say as I try to push her head away as she still is pounding in me, I feel a tight feeling in my stomach like an orgasm as tears roll down my face from overstimulation I feel a euphoric dizzy feeling as I orgasm or so I thought. 

Once the room stops spinning I look around to see Danny's bottom half wet. "I squirted?" I ask slowly as I feel my eyes get dense. "You did so well for me baby, Let's get you cleaned up yeah?" She replies while I tiredly nod my head. "thank you" I replied. She walks into the bathroom and runs the water for a bath while she picks me up and brings me to the sink counter and places me down. She walks back out with the old sheets that were on the bed and changes the sheets while the water is running. 

After my bath, she helps me get dressed and lays me in bed. "Im sorry I couldn't-" I start to say until I'm interrupted.  "Don't apologize everything was for you tonight and I know it's your first relationship with a woman so don't worry about it." she sends me a toothy smile. I yawn and turn around. "Goodnight baby" I state. "Good night" She replies and then I feel my eyes get really dense and everything turns black. 

It's the next morning and I'm up before Danny which is surprising but you know the saying. My legs are pretty sore, but I get up and stretch as memories from last night flood into my mind. The way she took her time and hit the right spots, on top of that she made me squirt which I thought was impossible. I squeeze my thighs together from just thinking about it, and then the aftercare. I've never had someone stick around with me after sex it was just a quick hit and leave. I slowly walk downstairs and I'm met with Claudia unleashing Peaches probably just from walking Peaches. 

"Morning!" Claudia says "Morning" I reply back. "So how was last night?" She asks wanting to know every detail. "It was amazing I didn't have to pay for the bill when we got done and the food was amazing and the conversation never lacked interest then she took me home while I was unlocking the door she asked me to be her girlfriend, I said yes of course then we made out and oh we had sex," I replied back 

Claudia's face turns into a shit-eating grin. "I knew a saw a little glow on you. How was it with a woman?" She replies wondering "To be honest from my POV it was so much better the way she ate me out, and I even squir-" I was about to say until Claudia stopped me. "Ok Billie I didn't ask for details, but it seems like you enjoyed yourself last night" Claudia states. "O- I really did Claudia it was perfect, I kind of feel bad I couldn't repay her but she said she understood," I replied back truthfully. "She seems like she has your best intentions Bil, Im happy for you."

"Yeah, she does" I replied back smiling. I hope I don't fall too hard 

**if there are any spelling errors please comment where**

authors note: this was my first time writing smut don't judge.. anyways come up with a ship name for Billie and Danny. also, did we forget about Drew, Maddison, and Q?  Danny having someone's best intentions? 

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