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**these bonus chapters are placed before Billie woke up so basically still in the euphoric coma**

Billie's POV

Milan, Italy

Drew texted me about how she planned to take me somewhere today. Drew said that the date I took her to was amazing but she wanted a proper date something that she could get dressed up for. Drew left earlier with Finneas to do something about some reservations. Right now I and Claudia am doing photoshoots for Versace. More like I'm doing the photoshoot and Claudia is being my hype woman with me to get free Versace because it's usually too small for my cup size. "Yes, Bitch!!" Claudia says in the back making me and Laura laugh.

"So you and Drew," Laura says causing me to turn red. "no need to blush you guys are literally so cute I can tell you guys care about each other a lot." Laura replies "Yeah on the outside they are a cute couple but spend a week with them and you'd be tired of them moaning on the 2nd day," Claudia says as she mimicks my moans "UUghhh yes mommy, I- cumming" Claudia says in an annoying voice causing me to turn red. "Someone seems jealous because she's not getting any" I replied causing Claudia to gasp. "If you must know Finneas is supplying me with a good 7" Claudia says causing me to internally cringe and fake throwup. "I'd rather not know how well my brother is supplying you," I respond with a gaging face.

"Speaking of, Finneas and Drew are in the lobby with lunch," Claudia says. I, Laura, and Claudia continue our conversation until the elevator dings and Finneas and Drew walkthrough. Me and Drew lock eyes and everything goes blurry. I feel like it's only us until I hear Claudia and Laura nagging me in my ear about how starstruck I am. "Hey, Billie Baby" Drew greats me with a little giggle probably hearing some of the things Claudia and Laura said. "Hi Mommy," I say to where only Drew can hear me. Drew holds a shocked expression with a sly smirk. "I would start something you can't finish," She says causing me to puddle I cross my legs over each other to contain some of the pressure of how badly I get turned on by Drew. Drew sends a smirk looking at my actions putting me on her lap.

"When's your next break baby?" Drew asked me while chewing her crunch wrap. "I don't kn-" I say before being interrupted by a photographer "40 girls" This causes Drew to smirk. When the break is announced Claudia and Laura sigh although they haven't done anything but hype me up. "Why are you guys tired?" I ask with a questionable face. "Hyping you up is a lot of work," They say in unison laughing. I feel Drew snake her hand to my thigh causing my breath to hitch. "I'm a bad bitch I don't need hyping up," I say causing Claudia and Laura to gasp. "Literally without us, you wouldn't be the bad bitch" Laura says causing all of us to break out into laughter. I feel Drew get closer to my ear as she whispers something "You look so sexy in this black lace" Drew refers to what I was wearing for the photo shoot. "Thank you baby" I replied giving her a peck on the lips. "It would look better off thrown on the dashboard" Drew says causing my breath to hitch.

"Drew I can't mess up my makeup so it's a no." I can understand Drew being in the mood she is considering we haven't done anything since we arrived in Italy which was 7 days ago. "You don't have to do anything I could give you head." She replies desperately. "Then I would want to repay the favor and it wouldn't be fair," I replied causing Drew to let out a groan. She inches closer to my ear, "Come on Billie I want to taste you, It's been weeks" She is practically begging. "First of all it's only been a week and secondly we only have 20 minutes left," I respond. "I can make you come undone in 5 minutes please don't play me, Billie." Something snaps in me and I get up off her lap. "Guys me and Drew are going for walk," I say making up a quick lie.

Claudia and Laura look at me and start snickering as I walk out I hear them talking "There defiantly about to have sex in Drew's G-wagon" I hear Claudia say while Laura responds with a laugh.

We make it to the G-wagon I great to the back seat as Drew adjusts the seat pushing back so she can get in front of me. She puts a towel under me and I don't blame her not only am I a squirter she just goes into the car while in Italy. "This is one way to break into the new car" Drew says as she slides up my lacy dress. "Please drew" I whimper. Drew slowly inches my thong down around my knees and starts to eat me like there is no tomorrow. My hands instantly grab onto her reddish-brown locs as I grind on her tongue. "Oh- my please don't stop Drew." I close my eyes in ecstasy "Yes, yes, yes mommy" I say Drew positions her tongue in different ways until I reach my orgasm and squirt on the towel. My head falls back in pure bliss, Drew cleans me up with her mouth causing me to moan she continues doing so until I'm sent into another orgasm squirting in her mouth. Drew finally cleans me up and then connects her lips with mine making me taste myself on her lips as I moan at the taste. "You taste amazing Billie you did so good for mommy" Drew says as I just had some of the best head ever.

"How much time do we have left?" I ask while Drew pulls her phone out. "10 Minutes" I look as Drew shifts uncomfortably considering the fact she has to be extra horny. I straddle Drew "Let me help with that" I state as she looks at me in awe. "Billie you have to get back soon." She replies. "If your being honest and haven't done anything in 7 days then you should release quickly yeah?" I say to her as she looks at me biting her lip. I pull Drew's sweats down and enter a finger pounding into her as she lets out a string of broken moans. I look at Drew to see tears coming out of her eyes. "Are you ok my love?" I continue to pound but not hard at all. "Yes Im so fine it just feels so good and it has been so long since we've had sex I'm just enjoying the moment my love" Drew says as she lets out a chuckle. I continue to pound for 10 seconds until I feel Drew getting close. "I'm cumming Billie I'm so close" She states making me reply with "Let it all out, baby." with that she releases one and then I clean her up. We get dressed and get out of the car after we clean it up. I'm a little late but it's ok.

"Billie you are 8 minutes late!" The photographer states in a strong French accent. "I'm sorry I got lost on my way back" I replied thinking of something quick to say while Claudia and Laura look at me. "Go change now!" He states as I scurry to the dressing room. I hear a knock on the door. "Come in" It's Claudia and Laura. "got loss? That's the best you got?" Claudia says causing us all to laugh. Technically I got loss just not outside I say causing Claudia and Laura to say "You freak" at the same time while I continue to change and laugh with them.

today is my birthday and I felt generous.... 

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