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Danny's POV

Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), CA

"Well hello again Danny" I state when we lock eyes, He begins to clear his throat and speaks

"The names Daniel actually, I just prefer Danny" He explains

"Why the rush?" I ask trying to get any type of information out of him about who and why where those people shouting nonsense and why he was so far behind. 

"Well your pretty bold huh princess," He asks a little on the flirty side, I feel my cheeks start to heat up. I stand there speechless not being able to find the right words to reply to his question. 

"I'm just playing shawty, I personally cannot tell you but I have a meeting in LA then I'm headed to New York City for a couple of months for some super exclusive stuff so maybe I'll catch you around"  He states slowly walking away to return to his destination. 

"Daniel Wait!" I yell out hoping he turns around. 

"Yes?" He replies 

"You got Instagram?" I send a toothy grin at him.

He smirks and walks back in my direction. 


Billies POV 


Right now I am currently getting lectured on how I shouldn't have just walked off the plane angry and alone without security. Honestly, I haven't heard Finneas yell before so this was surprising but he's probably at his breaking point with me.

 I mean so would I although I got broken up with 4 days ago I have nonetheless been dragging myself around as the world revolves around Billie just like what he said before breaking my heart. Do I miss him? Maybe but Finneas is right the "people" depend on me and at the end of the day it feels good to be back in my hometown. 

"I'm soy Finn, It's- j-just I lo-loved him" I state on the verge of tears that could potentially spill out of my eyes at any second. 

" I know Billie" Finneas states and pulls me into a warm embrace while letting me cry on his shoulder. 

We rock back and forth but our hug is interrupted by Danny banging on the door with 6 suitcases and 3 bags. Finneas helps him load the car up and Danny gets situated in the passenger seat. 

"What took you so long Danny?" Finneas asks while smirking. 

"You know that girl that I told you about?" Danny states.

"Angela?" Finneas replies.

"No man the one at the bagel place with the same name as me" Danny replies.

"Oh! Danny yeah man what about her" Finneas ask questionable.

"Yeah well I got her Instagram she was heading back to NYC,  So she asked for my Instagram and when we get back there in a week I plan on linking up with her. "Danny states"

"What about Angela dude?" Finneas says a little confused.

"She doesn't have to know" Danny states smirking.

One thing I defiantly don't like about Danny is his player tendencies It's men like this that make me sometimes question my sexuality, Just no good, Daniel and Angela have been dating for 5 years and out of those 5, he has been cheating on her for 4 years and 3 months.

 Angela is literally the sweetest and deserves so much better. I just mind my business because at the end of the day he is Finneas and I's manager so there isn't much I can do about the situation. Not only poor Angela, but the girl is also literally about to get played when we stay in NYC for a couple of months and return to LA just so she can find out she was dating a man that is in a perfectly good relationship. 

Some people take love for granted which makes me furious considering I got my heartbroken the same way at least I figured it out in the 1-year mark, but when Angela finally finds out it will kill her more of the fact she has been wasting her time for 5 years. 

I decided to take a nap in the back considering all the cheating talk that was going on started to make my head hurt. My eyes get dense and I fall asleep for about 30 minutes which I assume we have been driving I feel Claudia put a blanket on me, due to me knowing it's Claudia from the faint scent that she always wears. She lays the blanket on top of me and lays on top of the blanket.

 Claudia has really helped me through the breakup so far I am so grateful to have someone like Claudia by my side she is like the sister I never had. I feel Claudia wipe my dry tears and whisper something in my ear.

"Your strong Billie anybody would kill to have you don't let one jerk get the best of you,  no matter how much you think your worthless especially now you aren't it's ok to be vulnerable sometimes. I love you bil" 

"I love you too Clauds" I state half asleep. I roll over and feel my surroundings get silent and dark as I pass out to go to sleep. 


It's been a week and we a headed to New York City, Of course, Daniel has non-stop been talking about meeting Danny, I haven't seen her but the way Daniel talks about her she seems special. I hate to say it but it won't last for long, but she genuinely sounds like a good person. 

"What's got you slumped Bil?" Claudia whispers in my ear

Claudia knows where I stand with my sexuality but she has never pushed me to come out or label myself which is why I love her for that. Of course, I haven't told my mom, dad, or Finneas because I don't know where I stand exactly so I concluded it wasn't a big deal to have this whole coming out talk with my family yet, although I consider Claudia as a family as well.

"Nothing I just don't understand how men can just cheat you know, you got lucky with Finn he was raised with human decency but men are ju-"

"Ick" Claudia says while interrupting me

"Exactly just ick" I state agreeing with the word she just made up.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this bil, but I will be here every step of the way, I promise" Claudia takes her pinky finger and wraps it around mine then pulls me into a warm embrace while we are sitting in the back of the studio while Finneas records the rest of his album currently waiting for Daniel to come in and discuss some information for the next tour. The door opens abruptly with daniel shouting something. 

**if there are any spelling errors please comment where**

authors note Next chapter you will probably see how Danny looks, no promises though. What do you think Daniel is shouting? 

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