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Drew's POV

Los Angeles, CA

It's the next morning that Billie is cuddled into my side. I don't know what happened with Billie and Danny but when Billie left the house 3 weeks ago that day she was crying. It was my best friend instinct of me to be there for her. Put my feelings to the side and take advantage of Billie in the mental state of heartbreak. I'm not sure what really happened but the conversation that we had last night made me think of some things and also made me look at a few things. 

Honestly, when we were talking last night it seemed like Billie got cheated on just by the things she was saying which were negative comments about herself. I decided to keep this thought in the back of my head because I know personally I didn't like Danny because of jealousy and my feelings for Billie also Danny never gave off the cheating type they look in love but I guess anybody could cheat. 

Considering how Billie and Danny met through Daniel which means she was willing to be with a man in a marriage. Not a relationship but a whole marriage, Unless she didn't know at the moment considering all Daniel did was manipulate people so that's not out of the equation. I know it's been 3 weeks and I'm pretty sure she has already told Finn and Claudia considering we are kind of living here. I plan on getting an apartment soon but I don't know yet.

I get out of bed and walk down the stairs I am greeted with shark and pepper which leads me to the fact that everyone is sleeping because their bowls are empty and Claudia usually feeds them in the morning.  As I bend down and place the food in the dog's bowl I'm greeted by Finneas and Claudia. "Morning Drew," Finneas says yawning. "Good Morning Finn" I replied back. "How's Billie?" Claudia asks. "Alright, I guess she got too deep into her thoughts last night. She seems really broken over what Danny did" I replied back truthfully. "Well I've never been cheated on but she was really falling for Danny and for her to go cheat for Maddison who has been passed around like a basketball was foul" Claudia replies sending my mouth ajar with a shocked expression. "Something tells me I wasn't supposed to tell you" Claudia replies to my shocked face. "Danny fucking cheated with get-together girl?" at this point I am fuming.  

"She cheated on Bille" I walk into the bedroom I and Billie are sharing and grab my slides putting on a hoodie. "Drew where are going? Finneas yells as I grab my car keys. "I'm going to handle something I should've done when I first met that asshole" I replied walking out the door. "DREW STOP BEFORE YOU DO SOMETHING YOU REGRET," Finneas yells out. But it's too late I'm just going to talk to her if she escalates it then it's their fault.

I know where Danny's house is from me taking Billie yesterday I'm probably speeding but that's not important when driving all I could think about is Billie how Billie felt when she found out How she will feel after I get home but that's not important I am furious. As I pull up to the house I get out slamming my door. I knock on the door in a repetitive manner someone yells coming but it doesn't sound like Danny. When the door is open I'm greeted by Maddison. I push her out the way "Drew I didn't invite you in." She replies "Oh well bitch you don't even live here" I spit back angrily. I walk to the back winging my house around the house. "Drew?" I hear Danny's voice only to turn around and look at her which makes me 10x angrier. 

I can't describe the feeling I get when I look at her. "What are you doing in my house?" She answers and when she speaks I feel my fist connect to her face and I keep throwing punches until she throws one at me hitting me I send another punch at her at this point I don't know if my knuckles are bleeding or her. I finally get off of her while she is on the floor whimpering. "You cheated on Billie? Are you a fucking idiot? She trusted you." I yell at her. She gets up and walks closer to me. "Oh. okay, I see what this is you jealous of me because you want what I had which was Billie so you think this is a good way for revenge? But you see Drew Billie doesn't like you, If anything when you get back and she sees you like this she's gonna ask and you're going, to tell the truth, and she is going to be mad, Why you may ask. Because she still loves me and that's something she will never feel for you. Danny states "I would never be jealous of a cheater" I replied back walking out the door. "You going to regret messing with me Drew" She states out in the doorway.

I get in the car and I start punching the steering wheel mad at myself. Once I let my anger out I break down. Maybe Danny's right Billie will never love me as she loved her. I drive back home to Claudia and Finn's place. I enter with my key and I'm greeted by Finneas and Claudia. "Oh, my gosh Drew what happened." Claudia asked "Nothing I'm fine to let me go clean up" I replied "You're going to clean up in the room you and Billie share? while she is up?" Finneas asks me. "What if she sees you like that" Claudia asks "Yes Claudia and if she sees it I'll have to be honest I'm done with people lying to her," I state truthfully. 

I walk upstairs and as I walk into the room I notice Billie is glued to her phone. I greet her by saying good morning and hello. She states the same and looks at her phone until she drags her eyes up. "Oh good I was wondering where you were I didn't feel you when I wo-" she says bringing her head up noticing the bruising of my eye and my bloody knuckles. "Drew what did you do? Punch a fucking brick wall!?" Billie asks rushing over to me and grabbing my hands. 

"Kinda" I replied with a chuckle, Billie sends me a deadpanned face. "Drew I'm not joking, what happened? Why are you crying?" I kind of went over to Danny's house." I replied back I can see Billie's face drop. "Wh-wha-why? She replies back. "Well, this morning we were talking and Claudia might have slipped that she cheated and I wasn't going to let that shit pass," I replied back. "You didn't have to do that Drew," Billie states sincerely. I know and I wasn't but Maddison was there and I just got pis-" I replied before getting interrupted. "Maddison was there?" Billie replies sending out a frustrated sigh. "Ok well look that's not important let me get you cleaned up," Billie replies. 

Billie's POV

Los Angeles, CA

Right now I'm in the bathroom with Drew trying to clean her up. The fact she fought Danny was surprising Drew never showed anger physically it used to be just her Drawing out things but she never really got mad. Maddison being there pissed me off. I cannot be mad at Drew although she fought Danny she was doing it for me and since I've moved on there is no need for me to ruin my friendship with Drew for an Ex and since she cheated it felt kind of good that Danny got a punch or two to the face. 

"Alright, Drew let me help you out," I tell her as she shakes her head. I take some peroxide out and pour it all over her knuckles and a little on her busted lip. She hisses at the pain. I dry her knuckles and proceed to wrap them up in medical tape and gauzes. I then applied a thin layer of Vaseline onto her lips. Then I make her take off her hoodie and I'm met with her in a black body bra and I 6 pack under. "Umm Billie?" I hear Drew clear her throat "Sorry I was looking for bruises" I state. "I didn't know you worked out," I replied back. "Yeah, I picked it up sometime when you went MIA after New York. 

I would be lying if I didn't think Drew was attractive sitting on the counter with only a Bra and shorts and her messy hair with her 6 pack. GOD, WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT MY BEST FRIEND LIKE THIS. "Well, there you go Drew" I replied back. "Thanks, Bil" She replies. "Anything for you" I replied, making her send a goofy smile. "Drew how about we do something fun to relieve some stress," I ask. "Billie whatever it is I'm down I could relieve stress." She replies. 

Drew's POV

Los Angeles, CA

As we walk back into the bedroom from the bathroom after Billie got done cleaning me up. She went to her mattress and between her box, spring and mattress was a tin container. She grabbed the container and opened it, Layed in the container were 4 joints. "Let's have a smoke I'm trying to get rid of these." She replies. She grabs a joint and passes it to me we light it and inhale the smoke while blowing it out. 20 minutes into it I hear a knock on the door and the week is getting to me. I open the door forgetting were smoking. I am greeted by Claudia and Finneas with big bags of Dorito's and water. 

"I don't know what to be offended with the fact you smoking in our house or the fact you didn't invite us," Claudia says. I and Billie look at each other and then Billie pulls out the remaining 2 joints and passes 1 each to Finneas and Claudia. we all pass the chips around as we talk about random things and let the time pass.

**if there are any spelling errors please comment where**

authors note: I was going to let Drew and Billie kiss this episode but I wanna drag it for the fun of it. Anyways send Drew to jail for beating ms girlie up. this chapter was very funny to me. 

please answer this question: Should I make Drew G!P or not I need help!! since I already made up my mind answer this question for my next book. Anyways still answer what you think want drew as though.

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