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Billie's POV

Los Angeles, CA

We've been sitting in the room laughing at literally nothing me and Drews's eyes are dark red. Claudia and Finn took a couple of puffs to feel it but didn't get too high and me and Drew finished the blunts that Finneas and Claudia didn't finish. 

People take weed differently and Drew was chill while Claudia and Finn were laughing so hard they got tired. RIght, know Claudia and Finneas are leaving to go to sleep while Drew and I are laying in the bed talking. 

"I've had the biggest urge to just eat the box lately" I state out loud. Drew laughs hysterically like the funniest thing has been said. "Billie literally do you even know how to?" Drew responds. "No but I've seen like videos and I think I could do it" I reply. "How did you know you were like ready to do it," I ask Drew "Well I don't it felt right, Like I didn't have sex until I was with my 2nd girlfriend it felt right I really had a connection with her so It felt right and I sort of just did it we where both beginners so we only critiqued on what did and didn't feel good to our bodies," Drew responds

"I guess your right," I say letting out a yawn. "Alright time for some sleep" Drew says while pulling the cover over me. "Goodnight Drew" "Goodnight Bil" and with that, we both fall asleep


I wake up before Drew which is a little surprising. I wake up and stretch heading to shower not trying to wake Drew up. Lately Drew has been stuck on my mind not friendly as in being my best friend but romantically. There is defiantly some tension and the crush she has on me is obvious but I tend to avoid it. The last thing I want to do is lead her on. Maybe pushing my feelings back isn't necessarily the best idea, but for now, it will work. 

While in my thoughts I hear a knock on the door. "Billie?" the voice behind the door yells which I soon realize it's Drew. "Yeah?" I respond back "can I come in I need to piss." Drew asks "Yeah let me just cove-" before I can finish she barges in the door. "Shit I'm sorry" Drew says with flustered cheeks while I reach for my towel. My face turned to a deep dark shade of red.  While standing with the towel wrapped around me Drew finishes her business and walks out. I stand there trying to gather what happened. 

I finish getting washed up and change into black sweats and graphic tee I walk out and I'm greeted by Drew again. "Good Moning Bil" I shake my head and replied vice versa. "Last night Finn and Claudia left for a vacation they will be back in like 2 weeks and they suggest if we missed their wonderful company we should go stay with your parents." Drew states as she puts on some shoes.

"Ok I haven't seen my parents in a while we can crash there" I replied. "Good I haven't seen Patrick in a while" Drew says. "But before we do I was wondering if you wanted to go out and get Breakfast?" Drew asks nervously. "Why so nervous?" I replied with a seductive smile. Drew scoffs "I'm not nervous" Drew replies. We both chuckle and head out the door.

Currently, my Dragon is in the repair shop for a cracked windshield and a change of tires and oil change. So we are taking Drews I8. While we are in the car Drew passes me the aux cord for my music selection. I pick Misery Business by Paramore as we sing along getting to our destination. We arrive at the place and I order a vegan breakfast burrito while Drew orders waffles and strawberries we also pick up something for my parents. 

We make our way to my parent's house. When I unlock the door I'm greeted by my mom and my dad. "Oh my Billie," My mom says bringing me into a hug as well as my dad. Well, I and Drew am going to be crashing here for a couple of weeks. "Drew we can get you a room" my mom suggests. "Mom she is fine in my room" I replied seeing Drew let go a breath. "OK but we all know how annoying Billie can be" My dad states making us all laugh. We made it upstairs to my room and unpacked. To eat our breakfast, We enjoy our food while keeping light conversation with the Office being light background noise. 

When we get done we continue to watch TV. Until Drew broke the silence. "Billie, you remember the talk we had a couple of days ago about you being unlovable." I let go of a sigh "Yeah, you told me to look into the detail" I replied back. "Yeah, and you said that you already have" Drew replies making me nervous. "What do you mean by that Billie?" She asks.

Drew's POV

Los Angeles, CA

After we got done eating Breakfast we were watching the office. Or more like Billie was watching the Office and I was staring at Billie. The way she would laugh when something stupid was said. The way her blonde hair covered her forehead. The way she smiled at the TV was perfect. I wanted to be perfect for her, I need her I don't think I can push these feelings back. Each day I avoid telling her the more it feels harder to be around her. 

The thing about Billie is she just got out of a relationship 1 month ago and the thing is her not trusting me but we've been friends since little kids I wouldn't hurt Billie but then again she thought Danny wouldn't either. Honestly, I'm sick of Billie getting heartbroken I love Billie so much, and to see her cry to me every time is tiring for her and me. I love Bille and one day I want her to be my wife, the mother of my kids, and my soulmate. I may sound head over heels but shes one hundred percent worth it.

Billie's POV

Los Angeles, CA

When Drew asked me what I meant I wanted to lie. No matter how bad It would break her I wanted to lie but it wouldn't be right for her. Drew is smart so she would know when I'm lying. So I answered her question truthfully.

"Drew I think I like you," I say. "Billie I like you as a friend to what so bad about that?" Drew responds making me instantly regret saying that she was not dumb. 

No Drew, I like you Romantically. I state feeling the weight off my chest. 

**if there are any spelling errors please comment where**

authors note OOp.... Anyways where is Q at?

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