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Danny's POV

New York City, NY

Daniel has been texting me all morning, of course, I ignored it because of Billie but when Billie and Finneas got a notification at the same time I knew it had to be Dan. I checked my messages when Billie checked her phone before I could even open messages Billies phone dropped,

 I look at the expression on her face she looks scared and shocked I pick up her phone and noticed the article that was on the phone it was an article about last night when I and Billie were at the Drive-in movie and she was cuddled on me. Billie is straight though so why would she be so scared about this article, Also I never posted anything about me and Danny dating

. I go embrace Billie but she pulls away from me ouch. I know Daniel has something to do with this I have to go talk to him. I think to myself but my thoughts are later interrupted by Billie's voice. "I-i-i think you should leave, you know just for now maybe tonight you could sleep in the other room, I don't think this was a good idea hanging out with you" she whispers, I don't know why but it feels like my heart just got ran over by an 18 wheeler I feel hurt my heart is aching. 

Claudia looks at me and frowns I understand she's mad and needs time but I did nothing to her. I take all my things and head to the spare room across the hall from Billie before entering Finneas stops me at the door, "Just give her time Danny" I nod my head and enter my room. I don't know why I feel like this I couldn't have been catching feelings for her right? Not this quickly at least I thought so. 

I lay down and take deep breaths I hear a knock on the door praying it's Billie but instead I'm met with a sad Claudia. "Hey Danny, I'm sorry about earlier" "it's not your fault Claudia, It's nobody's fault but Daniels," I replied. "You think Daniel has something to do with this too?" I nod my head in agreeance. "Yeah, I've been thinking the same thing it all started when were driving to the Airbnb yesterday and Billie was acting strange". "Claudia?", "Yeah?" she responds "Does the studio have cameras?" Yeah but wh-," she asks as I cut her off. "Let's go to the studio.

 As we get to the Studio and look back at the Cameras and see everything Danny said to Billie. I feel myself on the verge of tears because I thought Danny was a nice person but he threatened Billie, I feel like this is my fault if I wasn't here this would've never happened. 

Billies POV

New York City, NY

"Finneas you just don't understand ok now drop it, please," I ask for the 100th time or at least that's what it feels like. "Finneas scoffs I can't believe you Billie literally she has been nothing but kind to you and you kick her out" he replies "Yes Finneas oh my god you acting like we were dating or something I am straight and she was just being a friend but I don't need help anymore" I replied knowing half of the things I said where lies. 

"My god Billie how long are you gonna keep up this act do you think I'm fucking stupid? I know you are not straight, It obvious and I know you guys didn't date but the way you guys look at each other would have fooled anyone." Finneas states. "My god Billie your 20 act like it make your own decisions" Finneas slams my door and leaves.


6 Months Later

Billies POV

Los Angeles, LA

It's been 6 months, 5 months since leaving New York, and 6 whole months without seeing Danny. I won't lie and say that I haven't missed her hugging me or cuddling me at night but it was something I came to live with knowing I might never see her again so I moved on. 

After the whole Daniel situation he was fired from being I and Finneas's manager now we have our new manager her name is Rose, She is really nice and seems to care for us a lot more. That night Finneas left after yelling at me we stayed in New York for a while until I finished all my photoshoots and caught a flight back to LA and did all my interviews via zoom. After Danny found out about Daniel threatening me because of her she left, and the article of god I wish didn't overreact about it. 

I pushed her farther away but I wasn't ready to come out and I'm still not. I guess Danny thought she was helping me by giving me space but I didn't know she would leave so sudden, I wish this was a mistake weren't my last words to her, all she did was make me feel better about myself she helped me and I pushed her away like I always do when someone comes around.

Of course, after the Daniel situation, they gave us a big break from pain and suffering although nobody was affected but me. For that long time, I noticed stuff about myself and the things around me for instance I tend to tic more than before we went to NYC the doctor says it's because of the anxiousness, stress, and depression I went through while being in New York. 

Another thing that happened during this break consisted of me being sexually frustrated. I decided to take Danny's advice and work on myself which included working out for me and not what some shitty man thinks I should do. I haven't been out in public in 6 months there have been so many rumors such as I'm dead, Finneas killed me, I went to the Islands, and even more bizarre things and Finneas tends to laugh at all the theories. Lastly, my nightmares are worse I guess that day they spiked back in NYC they just haven't stopped since then, I tend to lose sleep but some nights I don't even go to sleep so there is no point in dwelling about how many hours of the night I'm awake. 

I am currently sitting on my phone while rubbing shark, I exit the app that was open and begin to text Claudia before a facetime request pops up from my best friend Drew. I accept the request and wait for her screen to load. "Hey girlie" Drew yells over the phone, "Hey Drew" I greet her with a smile. 

 "Ok so to celebrate 6 months of being stuck in your personal therapy I have an Idea" Drew states squealing at this point "A PARTY!!!!" I roll my eyes at the thought of finally going out in public but Drew's right I need to most defiantly get some fresh air so maybe I will go. "Okay, I'll go" Drew squeals and states that she will pick me up at 9:15 tonight I hang up and find something to wear, tonights going to be a long night. 

**if there are any spelling errors please comment where**

authors note: Ok so this is a shorter chapter but literally I need a bsf like drew right now I'm taking applications now, on the other hand, Billie is finally stepping out of the house how will it go?

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