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Billie's POV

Los Angeles, CA

Drew is just staring at me, I've confessed my feelings and she is making me nervous with her answer. "I-i feel the same way Billie" Drew said shooting a wide smile at me. Next thing I know Drew grazes her hand across my jaw and pulls me into a deep passionate kiss. Our tongues began to dance fighting for dominance. I let her win and we then separate catching our breath from the intense makeout session. 

Drew then pulls me onto her thigh as we continue to make out. I can feel myself start to get wet near my core as Drew turns me on caressing my thighs and my ass. "Billie we don't have to have sex you can just get off on my thigh" Drew states making me calm down. I nod my head and Drew starts to slide down my shorts along with my panties until my bottom half is naked. 

She grabs my hips and positions me on her thigh. "You ready?" Drew asks I can tell she is nervous but also excited. I nod my head and I start grinding on her thigh, My head falls back as I'm put into our bliss. Drew grabs my hips and moves me a little faster while flexing her thigh causing me to let out a semi-loud moan that is immediately shushed by Drew. "Your parents are downstairs" Drew says, although I kind of forgot. As I'm chasing my orgasm Drew places her thumb on my clit with the pad of her thumb while Im still riding her thigh adding to the immense pleasure. I swing my head back and my mouth ajar while I feel my orgasm coming. 

"I'm cumming, shit Drew I'm cumming" I yell while my orgasm crashes down on me as I release on her thigh and fingers. "fuck" I say out of breath Drew continues rubbing my clit to ride out my orgasm. "shit that was amazing," I say while Drew looks at me. "That was hot" Drew replies. All of a sudden we hear a knock on the door. "Billie, me and your father are going to the store do you need anything? "My mom says from outside the door. No mom I'm fine. Thank you though" I respond and with that, she leaves downstairs. 

I'm still in post-sex mode while Drew went to the bathroom. After a while, she walks out with a warm rag, water bottle, and a change of clothes. "Here let me clean you up." Drew states as she wipes the area below my belly button. I whimper at the pain due to how sensitive I am. Drew then sends a slap to my clit making me yelp in pain and making her chuckle. Drew then hands me the new change of clothes and helps me get them on. We then both hit the bed and in less than 20 minutes were out like a lamp. 

2 1/2 hours later 

I just woke up from my nap with Drew sleeping on my boobs. I see that my parents made it home sometime during our nap. Then I hear another knock on the door my mind wanders to who it could be considering my mom and dad are home and Claudia and Finneas don't come home until 2 weeks from now. I walk downstairs to open the door and then instantly regret is filled when I open the door and see Danny. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask "So your not going to invite me in?"She replies with a smirk. I get out of the doorway as she enters the house. "Make it quick" I stated angrily. "I came to talk about us" I let out a scoff "us? there is no us which means there is nothing to talk about." I replied. "See I knew you were gonna say th-" Danny starts to speak but is interrupted by Drew "Hey Billie I was wondering where the-" she stops speaking as she walks downstairs and is met with Danny. "What the fuck is she doing here?" Drew spits out angrily. 

"I could ask you the same thing?" Danny responds. "I'm hanging with Billie obviously." Drew states back. "I just came to talk to her about our relationship." Drew scoffs "your relationship!?! you fucking cheated on her and you want her back?" Drew says. "I think it's time for you to leave Danny you've overstayed your welcome" I state. "you won't get rid of me baby girl remembers that," Danny says while walking out. 

"That's it Im getting a fucking restraining order" Drew states, "No don't she will only come back and on top of that you did beat her up," I replied. "What do we do now?" Drew asks "Absolutely nothing" 

2 weeks later

"Oh fuck yes yes yes" "Cum for me use your fingers and massage your clit come on you got it, Billie, you can do it" Drew states next to me as I masturbate. With her words, I release on the bed. "Good girl" Drew says making me puddle again. It's been 2 weeks since we had intercourse and after that day we've been going at it like animals. Drew turns me on any time I look at her. We haven't really been into the depth of it because Drew understands I need time so it's been helping me with masturbation and thigh rides but I'm enjoying every moment. Usually Drew has been pleasuring me so today I decided to switch it up.

"You wanna get cleaned up?" Drew asks. "We're not done" and with that, I straddle her waist and start making out with her. I continue to kiss her as she slips her tongue into my mouth fighting for dominance but I win this time. I bring her to my thigh and she begins to pull off her sweats and starts grinding. When her clit is in contact with my thigh she throws her head back and leaves her mouth ajar. "Oh my gosh, Billie," She says letting out a moan. She then speeds up her pace chasing her orgasm. "I'm gonna cum" She moans out. "Cum for me baby," I say and with that, she releases "FUCK MOMMY IM CUMING," she says as she comes down from her high. "did you just call me mommy?" I ask "I don't know it felt so good and It just came out" Drew said with her cheeks a bright red. I smirk at her. "Let's go take a shower Claudia and Finneas should be home soon" I replied 

**if there are any spelling errors please comment where**

Authors note: this chapter was very interesting... 

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