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Billies POV

Beverly Hills, CA

Drew pulled up approximately 20 minutes late honestly she said she planned it so we can be quote on quote fashionably late.  We have been driving and playing music. We arrive at the party at 9:56 with Drew driving in a "fun" manner we arrive at the party. Today I decided to wear a corset that showed off much cleavage and some leather black with black stilettos. We parked and decided to walk up to the mansion as walking we notice multiple paparazzi taking pictures and asking questions as we get closer to the house the paps start to bombard us with questions. 






The last question they ask seemingly pisses Drew off, "Back the fuck up my god" she yells hitting the camera and getting in front of me pulling my hand. "get the fuck back can't you see people walking your getting in our way this is not how you talk to people, I should call you a faggot the way you dick ride every celebrity that walks up to the house." Drew yells then we make it into the house. 

As we walk in I am hit with the scent of weed but it's LA so what do you really expect. I and Drew don't drink it's just not our cup of tea. As we get comfortable with the surroundings and vibe of the music Drew begs me to dance with her although with my inherited shy demeanor I pass and watch drew as she backs it up on some random dude out on the dance floor. 

After I few more attempts at getting me out to dance it finally works and right now I am backing it up on Drew to 34+35 remix while screaming the lyrics "AND I WANT YOUR BODY  AND I MAKE IT OBVIOUS." at this point I'm feeling myself and out of reality the shyness is not taking over my body and I'm enjoying the night with a best friend this is the most fun I've had in 6 months. Drew continues to rap Megan's part after I bodied Doja's part "NETFLIX OF HULU BABY YOU CHOOSE" Drew begins to get closer while I keep dancing. I feel someone watching me but I don't say anything because right now nothing can ruin my mood. 

When the song ends Drew is still dancing to the next song but I decide to step out and get some water for us. While walking to get water I feel as if someone watching me but I brush it off because I haven't been out in the public for over 6 months. I take my phone out and share my location with Drew just in case something happens although I think I'm just being paranoid. While walking to the fridge for water I bump into somebody.

 "He-hey wac-" I start to speak while looking up and I'm met with his evil sly smirk. "I'm sorry baby girl" his smile makes me want to throw up. I don't reply I pretend to not notice him and start walking away before I can he harshly grabs my arm and pulls me back "your not gonna leave this soon sweet, the party just started" He states in a seductive tone 6 months ago I would've taken him back now I've evolved and I know that this is the reason men aren't for me. "Let me go" I state yanking my arm away from him, That not only hurts me more than him but he yanks my arm towards him and he gets angry. "I'm gonna have fun with you tonight baby" He whispers in my ear. 

I try to grab my phone and text drew but he snatches my phone and drops it on the ground. He rushes me upstairs looking for the first empty room. As we enter I know what's about to happen I don't even try to fight it before I hear a knock on the door,  I let go of a breath that I didn't know I was holding, and he tells me to stay as he opens the door. I cannot see the person but the voice is too familiar, It couldn't possibly be? could it? No, maybe he drugged me, but I haven't even had anything to drink yet but I'm starting to feel lightheaded and dizzy, and then everything goes black. 

Drew's POV

Beverly Hills, CA

I'm still dancing while Billie went to get water for us, I know Billie hasn't had the best 6 months but I'm happy she is enjoying herself tonight she out of all people deserves it. A couple of minutes pass and Billie hasn't come back with our water, I was beginning to get dehydrated but most important worried. I noticed Billie shared her location 2 minutes prior to me checking my phone so I'm going to find her. 

When I get to her location I find her phone but not Billie, I start to panic checking all downstairs for her as I'm searching for her I bump into someone I don't say anything and continue to look for Billie until I'm pulled back by the same person I ran into. "Drew?" she says looking at me. I couldn't believe my eyes I was in hella shock but I had to still look for Billie. 

"What's wrong drew talk to me?" She responds a little worried, "It's Billie ok! we were dancing she went to get water she hasn't returned in the past 10 minutes she turned her location on I tracked her but found her phone and no signs of her." At this point I'm freaking out I can see her face get paler maybe the fact I mentioned Billie or the thought that Billie is even here. "Let me help you look let's check upstairs" We walk up the stairs and start opening all doors not caring if we walked in on a bunch of horny teenagers fucking.

 We reach the same door but this one is locked. She begins to bang on the door harshly there is a familiar voice behind the door as they unlock the door I'm awaited with the familiar voice. It can't be there's no way. I feel my blood temperature drop. She makes her way in pushing past the person in the doorway. "There you are babe" putting on some act like Billies there girlfriend the person in the doorway is mad I'm not surprised that steam isn't coming out their ears. "What are you doing with my girl" they speak. " We have been dating for 6 months, I know you were about to rape her now leave before I call the cops" The person sends a sly smirk and stands there, "NOW" they yell and the person runs out. They carry Billie down the stairs to the vehicle I hop in and sit in the back with Billie. 

As we are driving the silence is unbearable, Billie is knocked out and it's just me and her, Billie was right this person is breathtaking I can understand why she fell so hard. I clear my throat and spark conversation, "I feel like this is my fault" I state feeling guilty they don't say anything and continue driving I cannot tell their emotions. Nothing else is said they drop me off at my place, and I thank them and proceed to enter my house, tonight was hectic. 


Billies POV

Beverly Hills, CA

I wake up in the back seat of a moving car, I wonder what happened who's driving what happened? Am I dead, so many questions drive through my head, I look in the driver's mirror I cannot believe my eyes. 

Danny? Please tell me you didn't let Q getaway. 

**if there are any spelling errors please comment where**

authors note: Welp.. not Q and Danny being at the same party with Drew and Billie. Also, why is Danny even in LA first of all?

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