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Billie's POV

Los Angeles, CA

3 weeks later

After I and Danny broke up I crashed at Drew's place until Claudia called me and I told her and Finneas what happened, due to that they had a spare room and I kind of moved in I should probably buy a place sometime soon but right now staying at Claudia's and Finns isn't too bad.

I and Drew have been getting close I didn't think that was possible but I take him everywhere and I appreciate the company she just being there for me and I really appreciate it especially knowing how she put he feelings to the side to comfort me. She has also been crashing at Claudia's and Finn in my room though. We have a bigger bed and we usually sleep and cuddle, laugh, and do everything friends would do. 

Right now I'm preparing for an interview with Ellen. I haven't been to the show in a while and I'm pretty excited. One thing I do know is that Ellens asks moe personal questions which is what every interviewer does but hers are more personal. 

"Billie your on in 15" Drew says peeking her head in the door while I strap my bra on. Once I'm done I spray some of my perfume and add chapstick to my lips. As I walk out I give Drew a hug. I give Finneas and Claudia one as well. 

"Now, remember Bil if there is a question you don't want to answer then just do that hand movement that Ellen told you about ok?" Finneas states rubbing my back. "Yeah I got it Finn" I replied walking out onto the stage. 

"THIS PERSON NEEDS NO INTRODUCTION, BILLIE EILISH EVERYONE!" I hear Ellen yell my name as I exit and walk onto the stage. 

10 minutes later 

"Alright, you guys time for some juicy questions for Ms.Eilish" Ellen states with a smirk. "Alright, so recently there have been rumors that you and social media star Danny Levins have been dating," Ellen says reading the paper. 

"Yes, I have seen those rumors, and they're kind of funny to me but no we're not dating she's not really my type, you know we did hang out a few times but I just don't see her fulfilling my needs as a partner, you feel me," I state feeling pleased with my answer not fully blasting her but she got the hint. 

"Well Billie I have a little surprise for you, Can you look in that big box right beside you?" Ellen replies with a big smile. As I reach for the box a familiar person jumps out. Danny dammit, The person who jumps out is Danny she looks at me and smiles she has some nerve to smile at me after she cheated on me. I just stare at her giving her an angry glance. I don't know what happens next but I get up and walk off the stage. I have no control over my body I just leave I can't bear to see her face. 

As I walk in the back I feel somebody grab me as I get ready to yank my arm away I notice it's Drew pulling me into a hug as we hug in the middle of the hallway. "You ok Bil?" Drew asks. "Why didn't anyone tell me" I replied back. "Bil I swear I didn't know if I did I wouldn't have let you go I would've told you I swear." Drew states truthfully. As we hug I hear the loud clicking of heels on the floor.

"OMG Billie, are you ok? I swear we didn't know Rose told us not to-" Claudia states out of breath. "She knows Claudia I already told her" Drew replies.  "Whew, that's a long hall" Claudia states making us all chuckle. "How about we head out, yeah?" Finneas states walking up behind Claudia. "Ok" I reply following everyone out. 

We got to Finns and Claudia's house and right now and Drew is cuddling and watching the office. Well more like the office is playing as background noise as me and Drew are staring at each other and talking about random things. "Billie?" Drew calls my name. "Yeah?" I replied back.  "Will you go back to her? As you did with Q?" Drew asks nervously. I let out a deep sigh and lay on my back to avoid the awkward eye contact. "No, I don't think love is for me Drew, but I wouldn't go back to Danny, what If I'm the problem was I fat or maybe I wasn't as pretty maybe it was me" I reply back. "Shhhh, Don't talk about yourself like that Billie, your gorgeous, your curves are immaculate, you were not the problem and you are not the problem and if Danny was too blind to see that then she doesn't know what missed out on. " Drew replies. 

"I just feel like I'm cursed I just don't understand what Im doing wrong," I state frustratedly looking back at Drew. We return to looking at the office in comfortable silence letting the time pass. I blank out while watching the TV thinking about the conversation me and Drew just had. Will I go back to Danny? What if I can't love? What if I am the reason? Do I need to work out?

"Stop thinking about your non-existent imperfections Bil" I hear Drew whisper as she is dozing off. "I-im not I-i was just thinking about... My taco bell order." I replied covering with the fastest lie I could. Drew just chuckles. 

"Billie I've known you since we were 2, I know when you are thinking about something and I know when you lying which you seem to be doing both at this moment. "I know our conversation has me thinking about some things, I'm sorry" I replied "Don't apologize Bil" Drew replied while sweeping hair out my face. "Drew do you think I'm unlovable?" I ask. "Well Billie I love you, Maggie, Patrick, Finneas, Zoe, Peppe, and Shak love you so no I don't think you're unlovable. 

"Then why do all my relationships end up like this?" I replied bluntly. "Billie no matter how many times you get heartbroken I will be here for you." Drew replies. "If you don't think I'm unloveable then what's my problem?" I ask. "Billie I don't think you have a problem. I just think you need to look in detail a little more." Drew replies. "Maybe I already have" I replied as I feel my eyes get heavy and I slowly lose consciousness.

**if there are any spelling errors please comment where**

authors note: another short chapter only 1k words but I felt like this was a good way to end it because this is an important part of the story.  To refresh your memory Rose is Billies and Finneas manager that Daniel got replaced with. **BESTIE TINGS** 

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