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Billie's POV

Los Angeles, CA

I finished cooking a while ago and just set the plates in the oven to keep them warm. I set the candles in the bedroom with rose petals leading to the door into the room. I dimmed the lights and had slow jazz music in the back. I pull out my phone and check Drew's's location it shows that she is 2 minutes away. I wait and hear a knock on the door. She walks in with a bag filled with random things. "Look baby I couldn't find what you asked for, so I got you some Vegan chocolate and a teddy bear just in case you'd be angry, but the people at the store never even heard what you sai-" She stopped after she began to look up. "What's all this?" she asks "Well when I sent you out it was to, by time for our date," I state. "Billie baby I'm not even properly dressed," She says pouting her bottom lip. "It's ok baby you look sexy to me" I reply with a sly smirk. I bring her to the small table set up in the middle of the dining room. I go get our plates and place them in front of our chairs on the table. 

"Billie this is too much" Drew states with tears in her eyes. I know that Drew hasn't been a cheater or anything and any relationship she got with her partner would treat her like shit and never did anything special so I can understand why she is like this. "You deserve it" I replied. "I also think you deserve the truth, I haven't been completely honest with you" I state making Drew look at me questioning my next phrase while digging into her food. "Drew I know we've been having sex and I don't want your intentions to be that I'm using you for my pleasure which I'm not and I don't know if you want to label what we have but I think I-im in love with you" I replied shyly. Drew sends me a smile and sweeps her messy bun to the side. "I think I'm in love with you too Billie" She replies. "Which leads me to my next question." I grab her hands over the table "Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask sending Drew into shock. "Of course Billie" she replies making me flash a wide bright smile. 

1 hour later

We finished eating 30 minutes ago, we continued to talk until we decided to head to the back. "Cover your eyes Drew" I replied I drag her to my room with the red led light shining and the candles lit with the rose petals on the floor. I un-cover Drew's face and she lets out a gasp "Billie I can't this is too much. You trying fuck, huh?" Drew states making me chuckle "No I don't want to fuck, I want to make love to you Drew." I say above a whisper. 

Drew steps closer to me and connects her lips with mine in a slow passionate way. She slightly goes across my jaw as she gracefully slips her tongue in my mouth our tongues dance in the rhythm of the soft jazz music in the back. She holds the back of my head while I melt into the kiss. We continue to make out taking little breaths while we depart just a little. Drew taps my thigh signaling for me to jump as she takes me to the bed. She gently places me on the bed. 

"Can I take this off?" Drew responds referring to the tight red dress I had on. I shake my head. "Words baby" she responds. "Yes, I give you consent to take this dress off." She then slips my dress off in one smooth motion leaving me in my lingerie. We continue to make out until I pull on her shirt. She gets the hint and takes it off leaving her in a body bra and cargo pants. 

Drew starts to attack my neck with hickeys completely covering my neck in dark purple spots. She keeps sucking until she finds my sweet spot making me let out a breathy whimper. Drew then continues trailing the hickeys down to my breast. "Can I take your bra off?" She asks me. I speak this time not wanting her to stop. "Yes take it off" As soon as she gets the go-ahead she attacks my breast sucking on the right nipple while playing with the left one and then doing vice-versa when she has given enough attention to the other. When she gets done I shiver from the cold air hitting my wet nipple making it harden. 

She then begins to tease me as she goes over the place I need her most and goes between my thighs leaving a couple more hickeys. I slowly start to remove my panties, so she wouldn't have to keep asking. She then lays down on her stomach face to face with my heat. "Are you ready?" she states. At this point, I'm desperate for her touch. We lace hands as she goes down on me sucking my clit and flicking it every which way. "Ohhh my god don't stop please it feels so good" Drew continues to suck onto my clit. I notice that she unlaces our hands making me pout at the loss of contact. "Don't be a sad baby" before she can get anything else out I moan in pleasure as the same hand I was holding is being injected into me. Drew has 3 fingers pounding into me causing me to let out a string of curse words and moans. I throw my head back while my mouth is ajar. I feel a knot in my stomach causing me to release all on Drew's fingers making my vision go blurry. 

I look up and notice Drew licking her fingers. "You taste so good baby," She says as she goes up and connects our lips making me taste myself on her lips. While regathering myself I straddle Drew. "Let me repay the favor" I state "You don't have to Billie," Drew says "I want to you told me how it felt right when it was time, and it feels right." I start kissing her on her neck dragging myself to her boobs. "Let me take this off," I say, and she nods her head I tease her "consent darling," I state making her groan in frustration "Yes you can take it off." She replies getting impatient. I then start sucking on her breast causing her breath to hitch. I continue until I'm down at her pants. I pull off her pants along with her boxers. "Get on my face" I reply. "Are you sure Billie?" Drew asked surprised at my request. "Yes I'm sure" with Drew compiling she hovers over my face I start sucking her clit and sticking my tongue in her hole as Drew lets out loud moans I'm pretty sure the neighbors can hear. "Fuck, yes, yes, yes" Drew says as she starts grinding on my face. "I continue to flick until I feel her drip "Shit I'm cumming" Drew says as she grabs onto my shoulders. "I don't stop flicking and sucking causing her to go into overstimulation. Drew tries to move an inch away, but I pull her back down. "Stop running," I say muffled due to her sitting on top of me. "Billie baby, I'm about to squi-" Before she could finish she squirts making her send out a long string of moans. "Ooooh fuck" She says as she slides down off my face onto my waist. Drew looks at me and chuckles "You got a little something there." She says "I didn't notice" I replied laughing. "How did I do?" I ask Drew. "You did amaze my love," she says with her eyes low. "Round 2?" Drew states smirking at me. "Of course," I replied

2 hours later.

"Yes, yes, yes I'm so close baby" I scream this line for probably the 6th time tonight. After round 2 we went for so many other rounds I lost count. All of this was soft passionate love. This is the last round of tonight because it's almost 3 in the morning.  On the 5th round, I gave Drew her gift which was a strap-on, and she has been using it since she got it. Let me tell you heaven. Right now Drew is sending deep and slow strokes making me so close to releasing. She is repeatedly hitting my G-spot causing me to arch my back and squirt on the bed. "Fuck" we say at the same time with Drew collapsing on me. 

"Let me change the sheets while I start the shower" Drew tells me, but my legs are too sore to even move. That's until she picks me up bridal style and sits me in the tub. She walks in and puts the sheets in the washer. Puts her hair up with some strands stuck to her face she gets in behind me. I feel Drew rub through my folds causing me to moan and push her away "I'm too sensitive" I state, and she looks at me laughing. "Calm down nympho I was just cleaning you up". We sit in the warm tub and talk while Drew plays with the bubbles like she didn't just blow my back out. 

We get out of the shower put on the new sheets and get dressed. We lay in bed and once we touch the bed we are out like a light. Drew cuddles me from behind, and I slowly go to sleep. "Goodnight Baby" I whisper to Drew thinking she is asleep, "Good Night Love" she replies pulling me closer to her. I can get used to this. 

**if there are any spelling errors please comment where**

authors note: this chapter was literally just smut, but I felt like it would be soft smut. Anyway, I will never overpopulate my book with sex, so this will probably be the last descriptive chapter. Or depending on how you like this chapter. Also, I decided to make Drew gxg because that's what I'm comfortable writing. Also, this whole chapter was Billies POV

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