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Drew's POV

Los Angeles, CA

3 hours earlier 

I'm going, to be honest, I don't trust Danny to save my life but whatever it is I feel as if Billie should go see what it is. Honestly, I trust Billie so I have nothing to worry about but Danny is always doing some sly shit which is the whole reason Billie and Danny aren't dating. When Billie went to the cafe I was skeptical I thought I saw a familiar car but I don't know the car is pretty common. 

When I dropped Billie off I went to Claudia's and we were talking about apartment shopping. I think it's time for me and Billie to move out. Mainly because our sex life is becoming more aroused and I don't need Claudia walking in on Billie eating me out talking about some avocado toast like this morning.  "Alright, Drew so I think this is a good place apparently it's big and within the radius of Maggie's house and mine. 10 minutes away from us and 6 minutes away from her parents. "I really like it Claudia I think it's amazing," I state with a wide smile. "There is a little animal fee for pets but it's not that big maybe 400 dollars. and 70 dollars every month."

It's been a while later and now I and Finn am talking while Claudia went to go vlog in her garden. "I'm so glad you and Billie are dating she seems happy" Finneas states making me send him a wide smile. "I'm also glad that you guys are moving out because I refuse to hear you and my sister," He says which makes me turn red. "But seriously I'm gonna miss you guys," He says sincerely making me pull him in an embrace. "Finneas we are going to be 10 minutes away," I replied. "I know but still-" Before he can get it out my phone starts ringing with "my love" spread across the screen.

I pick up the phone and I'm met with a crying Billie. "Drew please come get me, baby," She says. I guess Finneas can hear a little and from my facial expressions he calls Claudia and they follow me to the car. "Where are you, baby?" I ask her she keeps sniffling "I don't know it's a lot of cars I can't really see I was just running and i-" A long beep goes over the phone. "Shit she lost service" I state while speeding off trying to find Billie. As we drive we are stopped in traffic I start to lose patience while waiting in the pile-up. "Stay here Claudia and Finn," I say unlocking the door. "No drew were going too," they both say causing us to hop out of the car and run down the street when stop to see what's stopping traffic and that's when I see her. 

The love of my life was on the ground with blood gushing out her head. "SOMEBODY CALL AN AMBULANCE," I state while people are just recording. "CALL THE FUCKING AMBULANCE." I can tell Finneas and Claudia let caught up to me as I hear them let out a gasp. I hear sirens in the back. I see people rushing towards her. "Ma'am I need you to move out the way." Someone says to me "THAT'S MY FUCKING WIFE. WE WERE GOING TO GET MARRIED BILLIE BABY WAKE UP PLEASE" I yell with tears streaming down my face as Claudia and Finneas pull me back into an embrace." "It's ok Danny ride with us to the hospital," Claudia says as we hop into the car.

We follow them to the hospital as they take Billie off the stretcher. I hear a lot of things that the doctors are saying but nothing sticks my mind is too fogged up about what happened. "Ma'am you can't go past this area please wait." Someone says to me causing me to break down on the floor. I feel Claudia pick me up and hug me. "Shh, It's ok Drew we can wait" Claudia states. "We have our future planned out we haven't even moved out yet." I continue to cry. Finneas passes me some tissues while we wait. 

6 hours later

It's been 6 hours and we are still waiting. I've gone to the front desk every hour and have been told the same thing repeatedly that she is still in surgery. I start feeling jittery. Maggie and Patrick came around the 1st hours once they got the call. They were pretty mad we didn't call them immediately but I was so concerned about Billie that it kind of didn't cross my mind. 

As Im dozing off I then hear some doors open causing me to open my eyes. "Billie O'Connell?" I get up faster than anything. "She is out of surgery you may go see her". 

**if there are any spelling errors please comment where**

authors note: the second to last chapter is the shortest chapter but the last one is better I just didn't know what to put with exposing so much in this chapter. 

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