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Danny's POV

San Diego, CA

I walk into the building, I'm not going to pretend that I wasn't jealous of Billie I wasn't intentionally there for us if there is and we left but I wanted to tell her something important but seeing Drew there pissed me off, who knows if they are dating o having sex but whatever they have going on made me mad. I really do like Billie and I would like to marry her one day and make her my wife which is why I'm here to do what's right.

I walk through the doors and I'm met with a chill running through my spine. "Hello, who are you seeing today?" The lady at the desk asks me. "Doctor. Kinnley" I respond. "Ok you can make your way to the backroom 543," she states as I make my way back to the room I am trembling. I take a seat and after waiting for a little while the doctor comes in. 

"Hello, Danny" She replies "Hey" I respond not as enthusiastically as I would like to. "I was a little surprised when you emailed me about your concerns. I really appreciate you taking the test last week so today we review how your life might change with these results." Dc. Kinney says making me sweat. "I'll let you do the honors of opening the paper, I will be right here for moral support and whatnot." The doctor hands me the white envelope when I undo the seal on it and open it up I take out the test results. As I read the paper I turned pale. 

Diagnosed:  BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder)  POSITIVE

The first thing I wanted to do was yell, I halted my movements and sat there with a stray tear falling down my cheek I couldn't think of anything to do but call Billie. Although I cheated on her this could explain a lot of things. The way I lashed out randomly when I and Billie only had sex once. The way I grabbed her during our argument, The way I cheated which is not like me at all. I'm not blaming my reckless decisions on my disorder but it could've most defiantly been it. With this discovery maybe I and Billie can have another chance.

Billie's POV

Los Angeles, CA

Right now I and Drew am sitting on my bed after our shower. We decided to take a shower and head back to Claudia and Finns, so that's what we did. Plus I'm pretty sure my parents are sick of hearing my moans. I and Drew aren't dating or anything official it's just everything we do would make us seem like lovers but we haven't really labeled ourselves and as long as it's not a problem to her then I'm ok. I would always love to be her girlfriend but everything is perfect I couldn't ask for anything else.

"What are you thinking about Bil" Drew says in a goofy tone flopping down on me "You motherfuc-" I try to say but Drew connects her lips to mine as we make out on the bed moaning into the kiss every distracting thing tunning out while it's just me and Drew. Not worried about anything as she slides her tongue in my mouth we continue until we hear a gasp. 

Claudia's POV

Los Angeles, CA

I and Finneas are back from vacation and we came up with the most epic way to scare the living life out of Billie by sneaking into the house. We tiptoe into the house and hear moaning faint moaning I guess Finneas doesn't hear it but I make him stay at the doo just in case Billie is masturbating that would be awkward for all of us, to be honest. I continue my plan of scaring Billie while walking up to the door. "GUESS WHO BACK FROM FUCKING VACATION BIC-" I send out a gasp from the sight I'm seeing. This causes Drew and Billie to break apart jumping a little and taking steps back from each other. 

"What the hell did I miss in 2 weeks?" I state. 

Billie's POV

Los Angeles, CA

"Oh umm Hey Claudia how was vacation?" I state trying to change the conversation. "Don't hey Claudia me" She states while Finneas walks in "Hey babe I'm going to my parent's house they need help with the garden." Finneas replies  "I'll go with you" Drew replies getting off the bed and speed walking out to get rid of some of the awkward tension.  Once Finn and Drew leave Claudia lets out a squeal. "I need to know everything!" 

27 minutes later

I don't want her to think I'm using her for my personal use because I really love her. "Love?" Claudia responds making me internally facepalm. "I know it's all so fast but I-" I start saying before Claudia interrupts, "Billie it's not too fast you and Drew have been best friends since you both were little it's understandable, but Billie sometimes you need to make the first move. Tell her how you feel and if you want to label put a label on it." Claudia says. "Thanks, Claudia" I replied. "Of course Bil you like a little sister to me." She says "But," She says dragging it out. "Have you guys had sex?" She asks making me turn red. "Not exactly I've been riding her thigh and hel-" "Ok Billie it was a yes or no question that is too much information". "Finn texted me and him and Drew will be here soon.

Drew's POV

Los Angeles, CA

Right now I and Finneas are diving but not at Maggie's house which is weird because what about the garden. Anyways we listen to music until he turns it down a little. "So you and Billie huh?" he says making my eyes go wide. "What?!?!" I say in complete shock. 'Do you think I'm stupid? Every time I face-timed Billie she was smiling her ass off in your presence also next time try not to leave marks so visible to others." Finneas states. "I trust you Drew this might be good for Billie she looked at the details of what was in front of her and I don't think I need to give you the shitty talk about what I would do If you broke Billie's heart. I trust you, don't make me regret it." Finneas says in a serious tone. "I won't because I think I love her" I state by accident. Finneas sends a smile turning the radio up and U-turning back to his place.

Billie's POV

Los Angeles, CA

After Claudia told me that Finneas and Drew were coming home we talked a little more and I decided that I should plan something for us like a date to quote on quote to make the first the move. So I've decided to do dinner inside tonight mainly because I wouldn't want the press thee getting into our date and Danny seeing it making a deal about it although Danny is the least of my concerns. I have persuaded Claudia to get Finn to stay at my mom's house tonight but they can return in the morning. 

I have also door-dashed some things for the date like groceries, candles, and a little secret item for tonight for Drew. Claudia texted Finn and he is a bit skeptical but it's whatever. As they drive off to my mom's house Drew walks in. "They finally come home and can't stay home." I chuckle my stuff comes in 5 minutes and I need set-up so I tell Dew to go to the store for something impossible to find to give me a good hour. She walks out the door but not before giving me a peck on the lips. "See you soon" Drew states and with that she leaves. "I hope she enjoys this date."

**if there are any spelling errors please comment where**

authors note: Well Danny has BPD... Also, we got a little of everyone's POV supposed I ain't squeeze shark in it tbh. My favorite part of this chapter was Drew's and Finneas dialogue 

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