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Claudia's POV

Los Angeles, CA

I hear a knock on the door and open it, I see Danny and let her in carrying Billie in the house. "What happened?" I ask a little worried at Billie's physical state. "We'll talk tomorrow morning right now she needs water a bathe and some food to stick to her stomach" Danny states. You're probably wondering why I'm not surprised Danny is here, Well I kind of knew she stayed in LA she texted me 2 weeks after we left New York that she was moving to LA, so I knew, she didn't want me to tell a soul not even Billie, especially Billie, I may sound like a bad friend for not telling Billie but a promise is a promise and I couldn't break it. 

4 weeks after Danny moved to LA Finneas caught me texting her and read the messages between us he was pretty understanding on why I didn't tell him but I really hated keeping it from him then of course Maggie and Patrick found out because Finneas couldn't keep a secret and now here we are, everyone, knew but Billie. The person who needed Danny the most didn't know anything. I still feel guilty knowing we could've stopped so much pain she endured during the 6 months. I walk into the kitchen and start cooking a vegan-plant-based breakfast so when Billie gets out of the tub she can eat her hungover down.

Danny's POV

Los Angeles, CA

I run a hot bath for Billie I slowly start stripping her clothes off the best I can, not wanting to take advantage of her. I slowly pull off her socks pants and shirt she is just left in her bra and underwear. She is slightly awake "thank you" she whispers. I take off her bra and underwear and begin to get a towel and put lavender-vanilla body scrub on the rag and wash her down. while doing her legs I accidentally brush my finger across her clit. 

Billie whimpers and her face is Immediately covered in red "oh gosh this is embarrassing". I finish rinsing her off I slightly lift her up and wrap a towel around herself, "No it's not Billie it's ok I'm here for you nothing to be embarrassed about." She smiles and puts her clothes on as my eyes are closed although I just saw her partially naked, I don't want to overstep. Claudia finishes up the food and Billie drinks water and takes some pain meds for her headache as she eats the food. 

She thanks Claudia and yawns meaning she is tired and wants to go to bed. I undo the covers and lay her on the bed tucking her in. As much as I would love to cuddle with her I don't want to overstep. "Where do you think you're going?" she asks whispering "To sleep on the couch" I reply bluntly. "I would be a damn fool to let you sleep on the couch after you just did all that for me" She states slightly chuckling. 

"Come," she says in a baby voice. I get into bed with her and place my arm over her while she puts her face on my chest. "I missed this" she states I think more of an inside thought thinking I wouldn't hear her. "I miss this too love" I reply. she snuggles in my chest more and 10 minutes later she is fast asleep keeping a normal breathing pace. I feel my eyes get dense and sleep takes over my body. 


Danny's POV

Los Angeles, CA

I wake up and notice Billie spread apart on the other side of the bed I guess she must've been so used to not cuddling anybody for 6 months that she just adapted to being alone. I frown as a think about what it must've been like for 6 months without anybody with her. I get up and stretch, as I stretch I walk to the bathroom and take a quick shower, brush my teeth, and change into some clothes in Billie's closet. I exit the room with Billie still sleeping. As I walk into the kitchen I am met by Claudia cooking breakfast. 

"Good Morning!" she states excitedly, I could never understand how people have so much energy in the morning but that's beside the point. I replied with a sluggish "Morning". 

"Is Billie still sleeping?" she asks, yeah I replied back. "What happened last night?" she asks while asking Finneas enters the room and gives Claudia a kiss on her cheek while saying good morning to me as well. "Why are you here Danny?" he replies coldly. I know Finneas is mad at me for leaving and then on top of that moving 45 minutes away from Billie and not even telling her and trust me I wasn't there during the 6 months everyone had to endure all the stages of Billie which makes me feel even more guilty. 

"Last night I was at a party I ran into drew apparently she was looking for Billie, and Billie was a- ab-" I feel nervous about the next words I was about to say, this could go south really quickly. "ABOUT WHAT!?" Finneas and Claudia ask at the same time. I take a deep sigh "about to get raped ok" Finneas just glares at me while Claudia can't believe what I just said. As Finneas is glaring at me he walks closer to me and embraces me in a hug. "Thank You, Danny," he says "Who was it?" Claudia asks, "I don't really know but when I was in the car driving back she said Danny please tell me you didn't let Q getaway" 

At that moment Finneas face went red, "It was Q" states as looking at Claudia, "Who is Q exactly?" I ask because the looks that the couple is giving each other aren't making it out that Q is a good person. "It's not our place to say but he's not good in any way at all" Claudia states and she dials a number and her and Finneas walk to the back.  

"Finneas!" I call out before he exits the room

"What?" He asks

"I'm sorry," I say sincerely

"It's not me you should be sorry too, You should've told Billie" Finneas replies 

"I swear I was going to tell her I just never got around to it" I replied 

"Tell me what?" I heard a sleepish voice from behind me sounding like she just woke up

**if there are any spelling errors please comment where**

authors note: this is a short chapter because it's about to pop off, anyways it was really hard for me to write this chapter because I started it on the last day of spring break and couldn't finish it until Friday. 

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