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Danny's POV

Los Angeles, CA

4 weeks later

I wake up from my alarm ringing it is currently 9:30 and Billie is still sleep cuddling in my chest, right now I am taking in the beautiful blond features. Her light freckles and how her lips are slightly parted and silent snores part of her mouth. 

If I'm being honest I and Billie have been going strong It's been 4 weeks since the get-together and since the night she rode my thigh. We haven't spoken about it, but there is definitely some sexual tension between us. What makes it awkward is that it's so oblivious like last week when we were going to 7/11 with Finneas and Claudia. 


"I swear to fucking god Claudia if you brake this car hard again I will beat your ass" Billies states

"Ok, Ok Billie I won't calm down,"  Claudia says as she steps hard on the brakes making Billies slushie yank out her hand shooting forward into the windshield and all over the back seat spilling all on us.  


"You could get wetter" I replied under my breath obviously failing at the attempt because Billie heard me and so did Fin and Claudia. 

"I bet I could huh?" Billie replies making me turn into a crimson red blush. 

"GUYS WERE RIGHT HERE!" Finneas and Claudia say in unison. 

It's not like I don't want to make a move on Billie I know from her prior relationships she needs time and I'm willing to do that but she is making it so hard with her oblivious flirting. Like 4 weeks ago, she looked like she owed me sex because she was tired. I wish I could find the fucker who made her think that she owed him sex, Billie's body is a work of art and deserves to be cherished. 

I know this is also her first relationship with a woman and I want to take it slow even if that means I have to wait. Also maybe it's the age gap or the fact that I'm younger but dominant. I don't know but every precious day I spend with Billie makes me think about what it could be if I stopped being pussy. 

As I continue to think while scratching Billies head she stirs in her sleep and slowly wakes up. "Good Morning Sunshine" I reply back while moving the hair out of her face. "Good Morning" Billie replies hiding her red tint from the pet name. "How long have you been up?" She asks me "for around an hour". "An hour what have you been doing for an hour?" She states while yawning, "Just thinking" I replied back not giving too much information. 

"Bil?" I call her name while she is scrolling through her phone, "Yes?" She replies back taking the focus off her phone and on me. god, this woman's eye contact  "Go on a date with me?" I ask her as she is laying on my chest. A blush appears on her face as she shakes her head. "Of course! There is just one problem with that" She replies "I've never been on a date" I stare at her in disbelief I cannot believe that she has never been on a date. "It's ok I'll tell Claudia to help you" I send her a reassuring smile. 

"Im going to go take a shower, I have a date to plan," I say as a send a toothy grin. Billie smiles back sending her signature whites at me.

Billie's POV

Los Angeles, CA

9 Hours Later

"Alright, the finishing touches, and there you go" Claudia states as she puts the finishing touches on my makeup. Danny test me 45 minutes ago telling me to get ready and to wear something formal. I told Claudia about the date and how I needed help to get ready, So she helped me. 

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