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The timeline is not accurate. The war took way longer than it does in this story and the events might also not be accurate. I based it on a series (Band Of Brothers), but made up some events too. Boot camp, tests, rules might not be accurate either

There's two chapters that involve antisemitism (discrimination against Jews), but I won't go into detail about this at all. If George (irl) or anyone else is uncomfortable with this story or the hate towards Jews, I'll change the storyline

Next to that, this is about the Second World War, but I wrote it in the current time (2022) so they have phones and technology. Next to that, in this story homosexuals and women etc are not allowed to join the army yet

If anything is seen as disrespectful/very inaccurate, tell me so I can change it and make it into a better story.

This story has two parts (you could say three) first part is chapter 1-30 which is about the boot camp and the war (war starts at chapter 19) and the second part is 1-20 (or 31-50) which is about rehabilitation/PTSD and eventually more war)

Last thing, I fully stand by Ukraine and wrote this before the war started. If anything has to be changed, tell me immediately. I rather do not have any comments about the situation in Ukraine because it's awful and don't want people to be constantly reminded 🇺🇦❤️

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