Chapter 24. Hi jix

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Joshes Point of you:

Wow. I would say that last night was definitely a bomb wouldn't you say Lola? Oh yes Josh I would. Everybody is definitely hung over after the party we threw. It was the best one yet. Now after all the festivities how are we gonna get you out of here? Well we need to come up with a plan first of all. True.

Josh? Yes Lola? Do you think this is wrong? What is wrong? I mean like all of this the smoking, the alcohol, basically everything. No not at all. In fact I think I just came up with a brilliant idea. Oh tell me. We're going to escape juvenile detention and go to LA and we're gonna put Molly under my spell, Well technically count Olafs spell and steal her voice that way she won't be able to sing anymore. What do you think? It's genius. Where do you come up with these brilliant ideas? Well, when you have been evil for so long and you have trained under the greatest villains possible, then you know exactly what you're doing. So, are you ready to go? Yes. Let's break out of this piece of shit.

Two hours later.

Sarah? I cannot believe what you have done. You had me worried sick about you what are you talking about? I was here all along. I was doing my homework like I said I would. Don't start to play the I've been home all this time game. I know exactly where you have been. I read the note. Oh. That. Do you know how worried sick I was about you? Going to a strip club party do you know what people do when they're on alcohol? They start to act stupid and well? They even start to rape people to take away their virginity when they're not even prepared for it. People do really messed up things at parties like this. And you going to that party isn't just right. Fine I snuck out big deal. So what are you gonna do about it? You watch that mouth young lady. Because there is something I can do about it. I may not be your mother and father. But I am your aunt. And yes your parents already know about this as well. So I'm taking away your phone laptop iPad and everything else that's a device that you own. And not only that, but you're grounded for at least a month. What the hell? That's not fair. You can't do that. I hate you. I'm going to my room. Oh good you'll be in your room. But you're gonna be doing homework and checking all your errors and correcting them, Because that's what you're gonna be doing for the rest of your time.

Six hours later.

Molly are you OK? I don't know my throat hurts and my head feels kind of funny. Try to sing a note. Okay. Ah. Ah ah. Oww oww. That doesn't look good. Her voice is very raspy. All of a sudden.

Josh and Lola sneak up from behind and without Molly noticing. They take her voice. They vanish. What was that? I don't know but it kind of looked like our daughter and Josh. Oh no. Look at Molly. Oh God red eyes. Now Molly? You're not in control of yourself. Calm down it's OK. You guys are the worst people in my life that I have ever met. Go fall in a ditch and die you piece of shit. Does that sound like Molly to you? Not at all. It kind of sounds like. Count Olaf. You don't think. Oh no. Josh and Lola escaped juvenile detention and just somehow magically appeared right in front of Molly and made her like this and before that, stole her voice so she can't sing.

well, what are we going to do? We got to destroy count Olaf that's inside of Molly but not exactly hurt her. Right. But we don't want to exactly hurt Molly we need to get inside of her and get count Olafs Voice out of her. We need to find an antidote, To save Molly's voice so we don't have to spend money to fly back-and-forth. True. So, did you find anything? Yeah I did it's not too far from here. Great let's go get it. Don't worry Molly you'll be back to yourself very soon.

Nine hours later.

Josh to Lola:

I did it. I did it I did it I did it. I took the one thing that always makes Molly talk up a storm. Now she can't talk anymore and I replaced her voice with count Olafs Voice. I'm proud of you. Thank you very much. Now what do we do with this thing? Let's play basketball or just throw it away it doesn't deserve to be here anyway. Yeah you're right.

30 minutes later.

Okay Molly we got the antidote now we just need to put this inside of you so we can get count Olaf out and get you back to yourself. OK Molly. Drink this.

So now what happened? Well the antidote should've worked. Molly's voice should be back any second from wherever Josh and Lola are. Just than the voices have switched around and joshes plan has fallen into a fiery explosion of eternal damnation. Molly got her voice back. And she got to sing with Kaleigh on stage.

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