having a heart to heart conversation

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Stef's: POV
Lena and I were outside in back sitting on the swing having a glass of wine. The girls were in bed
I'm dreading this conversation, l don't know to start it
Okay babe what's going on. Lena asks me
You know how when my mother  said some things
That l know that it offended you, mom has dissociation personality disorder. is a disconnection between a person's thoughts, memories, feelings, actions or sense of who they are. Mom was diagnose a few years back, she would have these strange episodes, it would come out of the blue when she was extremely stressed out. The doctor's tried her on several medications to see which one would work best for her,
Mom's health, so they found the right one to treat her symptoms. Within a six month span, mom was like a total different person, but they closely monitored her
to make sure she didn't have any negative reaction
When she's taking her medicine. Mom's fine and when she's not, she'll say some pretty hurtful things
Without thinking about the consequences till it's to late
So when she was here. I could tell she wasn't taking her medication, l'm sorry she treated so cruel while she was here. Stef says to Lena, l can't imagine how hard it is for you to see your mother in that mental state of mind
Don't never feel like you can't come to me and talk to me about what's going on. We're gonna be married  soon
You and I are a team, l just wasn't sure what was happening. I've never been around somebody that has a mental health condition, Lena responds. That's why l didn't tell her about what's going on with Callie.
Stress is a major triggered. It can cause her to act
Like a different person, then she becomes argumentative
And so on. When I spoke to mom the other day
She acted as if nothing happened, Stef says to Lena
Callie's a big girl who can take care of herself.
Lena said to Stef, l don't want mom around Frankie and Ariana. Till she gets herself together, l'm not saying she'll put them in harm's way or anything. I just know how she is when she's not on her medication, l been thinking about
Talking her bout it. Stef replied, l'm gonna be holding interviews all next week. I've already ordered the shirts  hats and hair nets from custom ink, the colors
I choose dark pink. The design has a cupcake on the back of the shirt with tasty treats across the top and a medium size cupcake in the middle, l got about thirty tops and l gotten the hats design as well the aprons. People have been calling me left and right, l only wanna hire seven employees. They must their high school diploma
Also we needed experience cashiers, l'm looking for two bakers to work with me in the kitchen. I have rules their going to follow, l'm dealing with nobody's attitude or anyone to come in and think they can into my establishment. I wanna have three different shifts
Lena explains, ok what do you want me to do
Stef asks. Baby you can handle the books and payroll
Your pretty good with that, plus you have the education
And experience in that area. We need to find spot to hold the interviews at, Lena stated. What about here
Stef States. No l don't want complete strangers in our home, l was thinking the coffee shop and get a booth in the back. The only thing is we're gonna have to order food
Lena replies, let me make some calls first to where we can hold

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