movie night

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Lena's: POV
Ariana and I just got done having pizza we made together
Sofia has already been out for her finally walk for the night. We've had our shower and bath, l'm finishing up washing dishes. I prepared us a nice snack filled with fruits, we headed down to the family room in the basement. Ariana wants to watch the polar express on Netflix, l started the movie up. We cuddle up under the blankets. Sofia was lying down on the floor, Ariana was lying in my arms as we watched the polar express together this was one of Ariana's favorite movies
We ate our bowl of fruit, mommy when's momma coming home. Ariana asks me oh baby momma we'll be back on Wednesday, Lena replies. Mommy why was Nana so mean when she came here to visit us. Ariana asks me
Lena's wasn't looking forward to this conversation
Ariana was way too young to understand what was going on, she had to admit her daughter was wise beyond her years. Lena paused the movie baby Nana's really sick
And sometimes adults say and do a lot things they don't mean, Lena States. Oh can we finished watching the movie
Ariana asked, Lena u paused the movie. Lena knows her and Stef are gonna have to talk, Lena doesn't want Sharon coming to visit till she gets her mental health under control. Her number one priority is to protect their children, hopefully Stef won't take a offense

Stef's: POV
The second furniture store had a wider selection of bedroom sets. They looked around and Frankie was less overwhelmed, Francesca was able to find something she really liked. It was a eight piece white bedroom set
For fifteen hundred dollars, it comes with a full size bed frame mattress and box spring. A stand up dresser
Desk chair, six drawer dresser with a mirror
And night stand. They headed up to the front and told the sales associate what they wanted, the lady went over to see the item they were requesting. This set comes in black as well, she told them. I think we're gonna stick with the white one, Stef tells the young woman. Very well follow me. And l'll order it for you it will be coming from the warehouse, we have delivery options available we'll have our guys bring to it you. She says to me, okay how much is the complete set, and how long before it's delivered
I asked her. Two days for delivery our men will put everything together free of charge, the young woman explains. The price for the bedroom set and all the accessories, is fourteen hundred ninety ninety dollars
She tells me. I take my charge card out of my wallet
Ashley hands me a form to fill with my name address and phone number, l filled in all the blanks and handed it back to Ashley. Frankie was right beside me the whole time
After getting everything settled with Francesca's bedroom set. We walked out the furniture store relived
I think we did good babe Stef says to Frankie
Yeah Francesca replied, how we go down to the pier to that pizza shop and grab a bite to eat. I tell My daughter
What about mommy's no junk food rule momma
Frankie States, maybe this once we can splurge a little
Stef winks at Francesca. They got into the car and drove down to the pier we're they use to go when they were living in San Francisco. Stef knows Lena would have a fit
If she ever found out, Frankie looked out the window
As Stef was driving through town. Everything was slowly coming together, for the family of four.

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