6 || Dr. Boyd

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Last revision: 2/15/2013

Dr. Boyd

Radical Subjectivity Begins

“The boy informs me that Blaze left last week, Dr. Boyd,” the young recruit reported.

“That cannot be correct Greydon.  Last week Blaze was seriously ill – he probably suffers from extreme nausea this very moment,” Dr. Boyd responded.

“Possibly,” the young man answered, “but he left nonetheless – and he asked the boy to keep an eye on you for him.”

“No.  Really?  He left the Order?” Dr. Boyd asked, entirely dumbfounded by this news.  “What is he thinking?  And why would he ask Jazz to keep an eye on me?” he finished, staring well beyond the confines of the office wall where they were talking, trying to remotely comprehend this new puzzle, and reeling in confusion over these few short details.

“Well, why did you ask Jazz to keep an eye on Blaze?” the young recruit queried back, entirely unsure about whatever was going on.  “Did you not invite him to be a part of our team only a few weeks ago?”

“Two weeks and a few days to be more precise,” Dr. Boyd responded with an aloof, far away look.  “But to answer your question, I just had a hunch ...”

“The young boy …”

“His name is Jazz.”

“Yes, sir.  Jazz reports that Blaze is convinced that there must be people who survived the Third Holocaust and if there are, we need to find them before our infertility problem becomes…”

“No – blast it!” Dr. Boyd almost yelled.  “That foolish …”  Pausing and reconsidering what he was saying in front of this young recruit, he began again, “but probably well intended …”  Still tripping over his own words and frustrations, Dr. Boyd began to pace, rubbing his fingers along his moustache and down his beard like some men do when they’re pensive. 

Unsure whether or not to interrupt, Greydon waited in silence for quite a while before continuing his report.  “The boy … ummm, Jazz … he reports that Blaze took Evelia with him.”

“No,” Dr. Boyd responded again in disbelief.  “Why would he do that?”  A brief, silent moment passed before he continued.  “Even considering that he is unaware of this crazy gene splicing team and even considering that he is unaware of the hostility of the natives, why would he take a docile young woman like Evelia with him to look for survivors?  She studies art – she could be of no use to him out there – at best, she would be a constant liability.” Dr. Boyd was clearly surprised by the news and was clearly perplexed by these developments.

“Jazz reports Blaze is crushing on Evelia.”

“Yes, that much was apparent to me long ago,” Dr. Boyd interrupted.  “Blaze is a weapons master and is fully educated in the dangers this planet can bring.  I wouldn’t think that he would risk her safety so recklessly because of a crush … but then … he is quite young,” Dr. Boyd continued, still disjointed in his thinking and unsure what to make of this new development. 

“Jazz seemed unwilling to tell me anymore about the situation Dr. Boyd but I did learn something else.”

“Say on,” Dr. Boyd encouraged.

“Jazz felt a little betrayed because Blaze informed him that he would ask around to see if Evelia could be Jazz’s new mentor – but then, Blaze took Evelia with him and would not tell him where they were going or how long they would be gone …”

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