28 || New Memories

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Last revision: 3/22/2013 

She dug her toes into the scratchy sand, flexing them and curling them with methodical precision but she was unconscious of that fact.  She was too busy absorbing energy from all around her and digesting her environment.  She felt the breeze wrapping itself around her body as if she were being painted with its renewing energy and welcomed the cooling sensations it afforded her.  Her toned legs tensed now as she leaped forward and began to walk towards the outcropping that hung over the splendiferous beach below.  Closing her eyes as a heavy gust of wind blew sand all around her body, she relaxed as particles of the earth exfoliated her skin before innocently falling again to the sandy soil below.  When the gust of wind passed by, she swatted the excess sand off of her oversized eyelashes and opened her wide eyes to watch the tide of water.  She breathed in luxuriously, enjoying the unique smell of the ocean waters below and smiled as she listened to the crashing tide of pounding waves.

This was home.

She raised her arms high into the air and stood upon the tips of her toes as she rhythmically swathed her tail back and forth as if trying to create a spinning kaleidoscope image for someone watching from above.  After holding that pose for quite some time, she fell to the ground to stretch her legs more thoroughly.  Several moments and several positions later, her muscles felt loose and her body felt invigorated.  She was ready. 

Nearly running, she leaped off of the outcropping and dove. 

For nearly one hundred feet, she fell freely, enjoying the thrill of the air feathering her hair and stretching the skin on her face.  As she neared the surface of the water, she inhaled deeply, filling her lungs with as much air as she could manage to gather.  She didn’t need the extra air for breathing – her gills allowed her to breath with great ease underwater – she simply enjoyed the sensation of taking a deep breath before crashing into the water.  Soon, she was deep underwater; but she spun herself upwards briefly so that she could feel the air bubbles tickle her skin.  The water was cool and felt refreshing after stretching under the hot sun and she exulted in this lavish experience.

Before swimming anywhere, she looked around to see what creatures might be nearby and what new plant life might be worth exploring.  A large school of fish was swimming close to her but they were swimming directly away from her – undoubtedly startled by her violent entry into the water.  She spotted several species of fish deeper in the waters towards the ocean floor but it was another mammal that caught her attention.

Crossed between a manta ray and a flat bodied dolphin-like species, her people called the creature mayutha.  Very large and brownish in color, mayutha sported large wings like a manta ray but also had two dorsal fins that were nearly parallel one to another though they angled slightly away from each other as if making a fat letter “v.”  Its long tail also sported a smallish dorsal fin towards its base.  These fins made the mayutha convenient for riding: two handholds and a footrest.  The magic woman called to mayutha, humming with her harmonious voices and projecting them throughout the water with psionic guidance.  She sang to it beautiful harmonies that were known to draw mayutha to her people – and it came.

She swiftly observed that this particular creature was especially large and it swam with incredible speed.  It would take extra strength to hold on if it carried her at full speed.  As it approached her, its graceful wings flapped in the water and arched in a wide circle to slow down its speed as it drew close to the magic woman.  Anticipating its move, she swam into its projected pathway and spoke to the creature with her mind, instructing the mayutha of her desire to swim with it and to travel briefly around the reefs below.  Then, as if choreographed for an expressive dance, their paths merged and the magic woman gracefully molded her body into place – hands firmly gripping the dorsal fins, feet barely anchored to the smaller fin at the base of its tail because they could scarcely reach the distance.

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