34 || Aliens

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Last revision: 4/14/2013  

With Evelia closely shadowing him, Blaze entered the ship's deck and looked at the large linatech panel that functioned similar to a huge glass window that let the crew view into space.  In front of their eyes stood a huge spaceship that dwarfed their own.  Several days before, Blaze had stared in awe at the gargantuan sized spaceship that he was now captain over.  Naively, he noted that it was by far the largest spaceship that he had ever read about in stories - let alone in reality - and believed that mankind had probably succeeded in creating the greatest space craft in the galaxy.  Now, his reality was being shaken again.  Without any experience to judge from, Blaze estimated that the space craft in front of him was undoubtedly the size of a small moon - or perhaps a large one.  Its odd shape was far from being spherical however - from the front, it looked more like a well shaped, but flattened, diamond.  From above - a viewpoint Blaze did not enjoy - it looked more like a mechanical falcoln with wings protruding in front of its misshapen head and and a stubby tail that was three dimensional rather than flattened.  How anything that huge could ever launch through the atmosphere of a planet was beyond Blaze but it was a question that quickly passed through his mind.  The question that should have passed through his mind but did not is how a ship that size could even land on a planet at all - and the answer was that it couldn't - at least, it was not built for that.

Evelia gasped when she first saw the ship and Greydon stood transfixed in the middle of the room like a bug staring at a bright light glowing in the darkness.  It was Vardyn who first spoke.  

"Captain, they have been trying to communicate with us for a few minutes.  None of our ship translators have been able to do anything whatsoever with their transmissions but we sent our standard peaceful salutations in the several hundred languages preserved in our database.  I think we sent it ..."  He paused as he looked at the timepiece displayed over the top of the huge linatech panelling Blaze continued to stare through.  "I think we sent it less than five minutes ago but they are indicating that they are ready to respond.  Shall I put the reception for everyone to hear or would  you like to take it through your personal station?"

"Pass it through the overhead speakers of course," Blaze responded.  Although appreciative of the respectful question, he couldn't imagine taking any communication like this through his own private station.  "Make sure to receive the transmission through a channel where we can record what they have to say and if they send an image, display it on the main panel."

"Of course," Vardyn answered, swathing through his station's cube and giving it oral cues.  Pausing for a moment, he looked at the cube in disbelief and then focused his eyes on Blaze without even trying to mask his puzzled look.  "Sir, the instructions they are sending reflect perfect English and the coding that they are using nearly matches old school linatech programming.   It's like ..."  He paused again as he considered whether or not his thoughts were legitimate or superstitious.  "It's like they already know everything about us."

Blaze and Evelia exchanged brief glances while Blaze furrowed his brow in compulsory, instinctive deep thought.  Earth had zero credible history of interactions with aliens.  The most interaction on any record had been their own recent experiences with the magic woman and she had been left on accident during an exploratory mission of her species to find a new planet - apparently, this had been their first visit to earth.  Surely they knew nothing about her or the human culture they had only briefly encountered.  As Blaze's mind whirled with speculations and puzzlement that mirrored Vardyn's own feelings, the transmission appeared on the linatech panelling.  

A large humanoid man appeared in front of them.  Although it was nearly apparent that the creature they were beholding was similar to the magic woman they had all recently observed, there were several marked differences that shocked everyone in the room ... excepting Evelia.  She had, after all, seen several male versions of the magic woman's alien race so she there was nothing so shocking about this particular male other than his particularly strong coloring and muscular build.  To the rest of the crew on board, the small horns protruding from his cheekbones and the back of his head, the spikes that appeared like sculpted, protective decorations around his shoulders, and the piercing, nearly milky white irises of his eyes, made this particular alien quite remarkable - and that was to say nothing about the strong irridescent reflections that came off of his dark colored skin.  Other than these few differences, this alien looked much like one might expect a male version of the magic woman to look like.  Then again, these few differences made him intimidating to look upon and they left the crewmen a little stressed.  Unknown to them, these physical differences were miniscule compared to the mental powers that he wielded.

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