44 || Destiny

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Last revision: 7/12/2013 

In the genetics lab, Aria casually laid down on the sofa, one foot resting on the armrest, the other resting on the floor, and her torso somewhat twisted as she smashed her head down on one of the several comfort pillows haphazardly laying all over the sofa.  She was beginning to realize that she was a workaholic.  Without Toka staring over her shoulder, Aria had nevertheless been more productive since he had left than she would have ever thought possible.  Work was therapy to her soul sometimes.  It helped her to forget all of her worries and pain.  It distracted her from heartaches and sorrows.  With a jealous heart, she swathed through her linatech cube to observe the live broadcast of her captain exiting the spaceship.  Sure, she could have watched the scene with several other members of the crew on a larger screen but she preferred to be alone for now.  But then, she often preferred to be alone.  She had learned that no one would hurt her if she stayed to herself – in voluntary isolation.  Life was safer that way.

Watching the captain lead a small crew onto a new continent was largely ceremonial anyway.  People were watching mostly to celebrate their arrival back home and to get their first glimpse at this new – and hopefully exciting – place where they may or may not set up camp for a while – or perhaps where they might establish their new colony.  No one really knew – not even Blaze. 

As she watched Blaze descend the ramp onto the live soil below, Aria felt mixed emotions.  She yearned to be with him.  She wanted to be among the front ranks of explorers checking out this new environment.  She wanted to carefully observe every little plant or animal that might prove useful to her research – or even those creatures that might only be interesting even if they were never found to be useful at all.  She wanted to explore.  She yearned for some freedom.  While she was slowly beginning to feel like she was embarking on a new, fresh life without her task master, Aria  was also slowly beginning to realize that she didn't know what to do with this newfound freedom.  That was partially why she worked so hard.  And while she had resolved to become a better person and to become more useful to her captain and his crew, she also felt a little uncertain as to what that really meant on a day to day basis.  That was another reason why she worked so hard. 

As the other members of Blaze's small expedition crew exited the ship and began to walk away from the ship, Aria felt pangs of jealousy that she would not have been able to articulate.  She didn't deserve to be with them.  She practically engaged in a treasonous act against her captain.  She proved that she couldn't be trusted.  The strongest, most conscious part of Aria felt these things.  But somewhere deeper in the recesses of her soul, she felt entitled to be with them as well.  From a certain perspective, she had saved the captain's life.  She had protected him and the entire crew.  She deserved recognition for that – and a whole lot more.  This side she suppressed – and as she had made resolutions to become a better person, this side was hidden up with great fervor.  But then again, it resurfaced ever so easily.

In short, Aria was a conflicted person.

She tossed her long, full hair behind her so that its body curls draped over the armrest of the couch like a hundred coiled snakes ready to strike.  She adjusted her top so that it quit pulling on the back of her neck and partially slipped off her right shoe with her left foot, leaving it dangling and loose.  Aria was tired and worn.  Perhaps that explained her dark temperament today.  Perhaps not.  She sunk deeper into her chair and placed a small pillow on her stomach for the linatech cube to rest upon so that she could watch the scene outside the ship without having to hold onto the cube.

Startled, she watched as a large flying creature swept into view, approaching the small group of explorers from behind and diving in for an attack.  As her heart began to pound with surprise and alarm for Blaze and those who were with him, she responded to something even more startling: her name.

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