8 || the Explosion

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Last revision: 2/15/2013

the Explosion

He stood at the top of the outcropping, quietly considering whether or not Evelia was alive, waiting for some sign of breathing to return, furiously rehearsing the daily and massive changes in his life that led him to this moment, and quietly trying not to notice the imposing complex of buildings he could see from this vantage point.  It was all there – boasting of its majesty and inviting everyone for miles around to see: Unit 7 – that is us, he mused, digesting the new information that he had been learning.  And that must be Unit 5, he guessed, looking at the building behind it where he had obtained a complete copy of the database, and there must be at least five more, he logically deduced, unable to clearly identify where one building may have ended and where another may have begun.  But this distraction lasted less than a second – the real focus of his attention was Evelia. 

For years now, Blaze had been interested in this young woman.  For years he had sought out opportunities to visit with her, to get to know her better, to befriend her.  For years, he had considered the day when he might approach her father and Dr. Boyd about the possibility of marrying this young woman.  The formality of this archaic system of marriage was intimidating to Blaze – despite the fact that it made a lot of sense under the existing circumstances.  And while everyone knew that Blaze could pretty much choose to marry whomever he wished under those same circumstances – there were few young men around, there were few young women available, and there were even fewer of each who could have children.  And Blaze wasn’t interested in pulling rank – he was interested in genuine friendship – a lifelong friendship.  And despite many months of concerted effort, he simply felt too shy to approach Evelia most of the time and he secretly worried that she might return his interest for practical purposes only – or worse, out of duty. 

The Order environment was simply too stifling, he had thought many times before – and he found himself thinking it again now.  But now that I’m outside of it with time to visit … this happens.

Evelia’s chest started rising as she made guttural, gasping sounds.  She breathes, Blaze heard in his mind.  It was a woman’s voice, not his own, and it made him quickly look at the magic woman next to him. 

The mental intrusion was accidental – and she was sorry for that – but she turned her head upwards at the young human and smiled with unfeigned pleasure. Then, she moved her hand to caress Evelia’s cheek. 

“It’s alright dear … everything will be just fine,” she purred with her harmonious voices.  “You’re going to be just fine.”

She uses contractions, Blaze silently noted as he beamed at Evelia’s opening eyes.

…********************** …

“We have news to share with you,” he began speaking to the magic woman.  Blaze had turned this moment over and over in his mind, unsure of exactly what would be the best way to handle this situation.  Not known for being overly logical, he had a tendency to think things through, make a decision, and then follow his gut instinct to do something entirely different from what he had planned. 

That is what he decided to do now.

“Can you read my mind?”

The little woman furrowed her brow slightly, tilting her head and looking deeply into his eyes.  “Would you want me to?” she softly queried. 

“Okay – let me be honest here.  My thoughts are jumbled.  I have thought about this situation constantly for days now.  We have been looking for you for a number of days as well.  I do not understand what is happening around me and so I do not know the best way to explain our situation so …” Blaze paused for a moment, feeling like he was simply babbling instead of saying anything helpful.  “If you could read minds, it might be easier.”

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