37 || Psionic Surprises

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Last revision: 5/24/2013  

Lately, it seemed like nothing happened the way Blaze expected.  Evelia’s newest conundrum was an unforeseen complication that left Blaze feeling very uncomfortable - Aria’s brief visit after the autopsy was anything but normal - and Toka's report left Blaze entirely baffled.  Now, looking out the transport bay, it was evident that the alien's transporter unit was much too large to make it into his receiving bay.  That wouldn’t have been too surprising or stressful in and of itself.  What was surprising to Blaze was that the potential transport units that he had to choose from were small enough to fit into the bay of the alien transport unit.  In every way, the alien ships dwarfed the human ships.  And that created a very rare internal event for the young warrior: Blaze felt intimidated and unprepared for the pending confrontation.

But that wouldn’t be the end of his surprises that day.

He looked over at Evelia who was holding Elayuh and then shifted his eyes down to the infant's tiny hands that were erratically moving around her face.  When Evelia suggested that they should bring the child on the alien ship, Blaze hesitated to argue the point.  Evelia knew the alien culture better than he did.  He suspected that she was right in believing that bringing a child would deflate any atmosphere of tension that the aliens might be experiencing.  Still, the baby’s presence left him feeling all the more outside of his element.  Blaze was used to being the protectorate, the hero, the hope of his race.  Now, he was charting the course for his species by meeting an alien race without any weapons and bringing along an orphan baby that didn’t even belong to him.  And while he felt fond feelings towards the child, she frequently reminded Blaze of his first real battle and all of the conflicting emotions that were associated with that horrific experience.  Calm, quiet, and relaxing, Elayuh nonetheless brought to mind visions of blood, carnage, and intolerable suffering.  He struggled to resist the fact that she sometimes seemed to represent the very concept of pain itself.  But as she shifted in Evelia’s arms and smiled over towards Blaze, his heart softened and he remembered why he felt tender affectionate for her nonetheless.

“Looks like we need to fly out to meet them,” Blaze ventured, stating the obvious only because it needed to be said.  “Let’s go.”  Evelia smiled in return.  She couldn’t articulate her feelings well but she knew that she was pleased to hear Blaze using contractions.  She couldn’t say why that was important to her or why it made her happy but it made her smile nonetheless.  Perhaps it represented internal growth.  Perhaps it represented a rejection of all things false.  Perhaps it represented his determination to pursue only the path the he could discern was the very best.  Whatever the reason, it seemed a good thing to Evelia.


A female alien greeted Blaze, Evelia, and the child as soon as they exited the alien’s transport unit and into the colossal moon-sized ship.  In an instant, Blaze felt those recurring feelings that he had felt around the magic woman back home.  He felt peace; he felt calm and trusting.  He felt anything but stressed – but he hardly noticed.  Her unusual language, her dual toned voice, her shimmery skin, and her graceful movements created a fleeting moment of melancholy for the magic woman.  Having only known her very briefly, she had nonetheless greatly affected his life and she would continue to affect him until the moment he would die.  Now that Evelia had shared some of the magic woman’s feelings with Blaze, he was less inclined to intellectualize his experiences with her – he now felt more at one with her and felt empathy towards her goals and ideals and he knew her to be a woman of great integrity and perhaps, valor.

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