16 || the Foolproof Plan

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Last revision: 4/24/2013

the Foolproof Plan

By the early afternoon, Dr. Boyd remained motionless other than the steady pulse of breathing.  Occasionally, Blaze’s eyes would fasten upon the pathetic figure and grouse over the current situation – sure, the magic woman’s reasoning made sense and she was probably right as well – but Blaze resented her healing the doctor’s broken ribs earlier this morning – even if it did make perfect sense. 

Probably, he considered, if I was a faultless person, I wouldn’t feel so angry, but the pain was too raw and the situation was too thorny to grasp so his bitter feelings constantly nagged at him like a ravenous sore that needed treatment but received none.  He didn’t know what to think about recent events or what he should do next – all he knew was what he did think didn’t seem to help much. 

But the magic woman seemed to know what to think and she had a plan, a foolproof plan.  Blaze and Evelia hadn’t even seriously considered what they should do next – other than Blaze’s intention to inform the new “team” about Dr. Boyd’s atrocities and to suggest that they deserved a better leader.  Who should be the new leader, what was to be done with Dr. Boyd, and what would be duration and ultimate mission of the pending space tour were all details that Blaze hadn’t even begun to seriously consider.  Sure, he’d given these things some thought and he had considered various options but so many practical details had needed his immediate attention that he had not been able to carefully think things through – let alone come up with some promising plan of action.

Evelia was in that same position to some degree.  She too had considered various possibilities but in the end, she felt pretty directionless.  A few days ago, she was a productive member of a community who did what she was asked, enjoyed doing her job, and considered her future in terms of her position within that community.  She was sensitive to her duties, she worked hard, and she was a selfless individual who regarded her community’s needs before her own.  But now, her whole world was upside down.  Her community – including her family – was decimated, and she was living in the dangerous wetlands of Borneo with an alien, a newborn child, the man who murdered her family, and her crush.  Keeping sane was a lot to ask of a young woman in her position; expecting her to have some plan of action as to what to do next was naïve. 

It was therefore pretty easy for the magic woman to convince Blaze and Evelia to agree to her proposal.  It took the petite alien a good hour to explain her ideas and to answer questions but in the end, everyone agreed that her plan was not only the best one by default – it was the best one by merit, it was fail-safe, it was perfect. 

… v . .vvvhvvv . . v …

Earlier that morning (after Blaze had scouted the area for survivors of Dr. Boyd’s team without any success), he spent a good hour gathering those whitish-cream plants that made the baby’s mush so that she would have a constant food supply for a good month or two – if he calculated correctly and if the plants could be preserved on board the ship and if the magic woman’s plan worked well. 

After that, the threesome had discussed, approved, and adopted their course of action, and then they discussed how the magic woman’s people might have handled the situation very differently than what she was proposing now.

“Where I come from, misconduct of any nature is not tolerated.  If we discover that someone has cheated someone else or if someone has lied about something important or if someone is found to have committed any crime whatever, we export them.”

“Export them?  What do you mean?”

“We banish them to another planet, never to return.”

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