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Ahin quietly tiptoes to her room. She just came home when people in the mansion are asleep. It's currently three in the morning so she need to be extra careful not to wake them. Unfortunately, the universe really hates her. She was greeted by a strong and sharp voice.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Ahin groan and she turn around to the owner of the voice. She clench her jaw as she saw Jimin's outfit. The feline eyed girl is wearing a pastel coloured night gown. It's a bit revealing if you may ask her, her slender legs and milky chest was exposed. Not to mention Jimin's slightly revealing cleavage, triggering her boner.

Shit! Why do you have to choose wearing that today. I really need to get inside before she notice my boner. Ahin desperately wanting to escape in this sticky situation.

"I'm asking you. Don't you have any mouth to answer?" Jimin scowled.

"It's none of your business," Ahin spat.

"It is my business. You're my little sister anyway," Jimin pointed out.

"No we're not. Just because your family kinda adopted me eight years ago that doesn't make us siblings. I've never thought of you as my sister and please we're the same age. You're only older by two months," Ahin scoffed. Jimin always brings that age thingy up although they were born in the same year.

"Whatever. I'm still older than you anyway," She smugly said. Ahin almost went crazy because of the age talk.

"And I'm taller and stronger than you," She countered back.

Jimin wince. She's not wrong. Back then, Ahin used to be shorter than her and her body wasn't toned like how is she right now. She will never admit infront of Ahin that she is getting sexier over the year. If Ahin knows about it, Jimin will never hears the end of it.

"Mom were asking about you since you weren't at dinner with us but you're lucky dad saved your flat ass," Jimin said casually.

Ahin scoff. "Miss Yu Jimin, do you want to see my ass so that I can prove you I'm not flat,"

"Ew no. I don't need to see your ass nor your dick. Just keep it in your pants," She rolled her eyes, annoyed by the teasing.

"Also may I ask you why are you still up? If you just wanted to tell me about mom asking for me, should've do that when I wake up," Ahin fold her arms to her firm chest.

Jimin grit her teeth. She can't think of any excuses. Then, an idea came through her mind so she lick her lips and say, "Your car was too loud and it awoke me from my beauty sleep. Since you had interrupted my sleep might as well bust you out,"

What's with that excuse Jimin! Jimin internally slap herself.

"Wanna tell dad? Go ahead then," Ahin shrugged. She then lean into Jimin's ear, "But dad might never question anything about me getting home late," She smirked and blew into Jimin's ear causing her to shivers.

Ahin retreat herself to her room, leaving a stiff Jimin in the hallway.


The next morning came. Ahin still in her sleepy state, going downstairs to the dining room for breakfast. She greet her adopted parents and sat near her father while Jimin and their mother were sitting across her.

"You must be tired from all the work last night," Her adopted mother asked. She was concern about Ahin.

"It's perfectly fine. I'm used to it," She gave her a reassuring smile, hoping it would ease her mother's worries.

"Don't overwork yourself dear. Please don't make me worry,"

Ahin smile then nod. She was glad that Mrs. Yu taking care of her. She's starting to miss her real mother.

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