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****Hey everyone! This is where Alexandra's adventure will finally begin. Thanks again for reading!****

-Alexandra's POV-

>After flying for 7 hours<

Thank god I made it here in one piece. I navigate my way through the massive airport. I finally find the luggage carousal and wait there patiently for my suitcases. I stare at all the people pushing their way past other people to save their bags from the moving belt. I roll my eyes as I watch them struggle. I finally see my bright purple bags make their way out of the dark pit of nothingness. I try to grab them as fast as I could. I tried my best to not get in anyone's way but at this point, I didn't even care. I was tired and annoyed. I made my way to the exit of the airport to see someone holding a sign with my name on it.

"I didn't arrange to be picked up." I said to the driver.

"I know, your flatmate sent for me to pick you up." he said.

"Oh well, that's great!" I said. This made my day so much better.

"May I help you with your bags?" he asked.

"Oh, yes, thank you."

He grabbed some of my bags and I grabbed the rest. We managed to fit them all in the trunk and we were off. In about a half an hour we finally got to the house I would be staying in for the next year. I got all my luggage from the trunk and went over to the drivers side and tipped the cab driver.

"Thanks again." I said handing him the money.

"No problem, and welcome to London!" he said giving me a smile.

I watched him drive away and took a deep breath and turned around and took a look at my new home. I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. I waited for a while. I lifted up my fist to knock on the door again. Before I could the door swung open and I tripped forward causing me to almost fall. I stood there blushing and standing there was someone who looked incredibly familiar to me.

"Hey! You must be Alexandra!" he said holding out his hand. "I'm Marcus."

I took his hand and shook it. "Now I know where I've seen you before, you're Marcus Butler from YouTube!"

"Haha, yes, yes I am."

"Sorry if I'm like totally creeping you out, I'm just a huge fan of your videos." I said trying not to fangirl all over the place. "I had no idea you would be my roommate, I thought you sounded familiar on the phone."

"No, you're not creeping me out, oh, please come in." he said stepping back so I could get in. "And yeah, I didn't put in the advert that it was me, tends to attract some weridos." he said chuckling. "Let me help you with your stuff." he said taking in some of my bags. "Oh and by the way, I totally wasn't calling you a weirdo, other people are, not you.

"Thanks. And you might want to rethink not calling me a weirdo after you live with me for a bit." I said stepping into the house. It was beautiful. "Wow, this place is amazing."

"Thanks, my friend Zoe helped me decorate. She knew that my new flatmate would be a girl so she tried to make it as stylish as possible." He said chuckling.

"Oh, Zoella, I love her videos too!" I said smiling.

"Yeah, they're pretty great. Here, let me show you to your room!" He said starting for the stairs.

"Yay! I can't wait to start unpacking." I said following him, "Oh and thanks again for arranging that pick up at the airport! That was really great of you to do."

"No problem! I thought it would be a weight off your shoulders." He said.

He walked up the stairs and showed me to a big room that was empty except for a bed, a desk and a few dressers. We threw the suitcases on the bed and started to unpack. I went through all of my stuff and realized that I had forgotten one very important thing. A bed setting.

"Shit!" I murmered.

Marcus turned around and looked at me funny.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I forgot bed sheets and a comforter." I said plopping down on the bed. "Is there anywhere I can get that stuff around here?"

"Of course, we can stop by the mall. I need to get some new stuff anyways." Marcus said walking over to me. "Do you mind if I call a friend and see if he can come? He said that he needed to go the other day."

"Sure, I don't mind." I said getting on my jacket.

"You probably know him, he has a youtube channel too, Alfie Deyes."

"Of course I know Alfie! He's great!" I said trying to contain the fact that I have a huge crush on Alfie.

"Alright, let's go!" Marcus said.

This was going to be a fun day.

****Did you think her roommate was going to be Marcus? Hope you're all enjoying this! Thanks again for reading and as the awesome Alfie Deyes always says, please leave your comments below!****

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