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>The next morning

-Alexandra's POV-

I woke up the next morning with a slight headache. I guess the beer in England was a bit stronger than in America. Or maybe it's the fact that I'm such a lightweight. Either way my head hurt a bit. I looked around the room and it didn't look anything like the living room. I looked to my right and saw a desk with a large Mac computer and a rubix cube on it. I then turned to my left and saw a wall with a pink Disney castle picture in a frame. Why did this room seem so familiar. I then remembered back to a recent Pointlessblog video. I was in Alfie's room, sleeping in his bed. Why the hell was I in his bed, not that I was complaining. Just as I was pulling the covers off me I smelt coffee and bacon. I rolled out of bed and walked into the living room/ kitchen. I noticed that the pull out couch was open and obviously slept in. I turned to the kitchen area and saw Alfie was facing the stove so that his back was to me. I guess he heard me wake up because when I entered the kitchen he turned around.

"Good morning!" He said turning around with a spatula in his hand.

"Morning, um..." I said running my fingers through my knotty hair.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Umm... how come I woke up in your bed this morning?" I asked him sitting down at the kitchen table.

"Last night while planning the accent video you passed out. I didn't just want to leave you there on the uncomfortable couch, so I carried you to my bed." He said.

"Oh, okay, well thank you." I said with a smile, "what are you making, it smells great."

"Pancakes and bacon, nothing special." He said turning back to the stove.

-Alfie's POV-

"Pancakes and bacon, nothing special." I said turning back to the stove.

She has no idea that I kissed her forehead last night. I mean it's no big deal, it's not like I did anything wrong. I smiled and kept on cooking breakfast. I finished making breakfast and served it to Alexandra. She took one bite and looked up in surprise.

"Oh my god, Alfie, this is so good!!" She said putting another forkful of pancakes in her mouth.

"Ha, thanks." I said chuckling.

We talked for a while, laughing about the movie last night. We even talked about the accent video. I guess we were being a little loud because Caspar walked in looking miserable.

"Will you sluts shut up!" Caspar shouted.

We both looked at Caspar, then at each other, then back to Caspar.

"No" we said simultaneously.

"Fine." Caspar said walking over to us.

He sat down and grabbed one of the stacks of pancakes. He dug right in and was back to his normal Caspar. Me and Alexandra both laughed and kept on eating. We were all done in a few minutes and started to clean up. Just like last night we were a well oiled cleaning machine. Once we were done I put away the pull out couch and put everything back to where it was. Alexandra went for her duffle bag and took out a smaller bag.

"Alright, I'm gonna take a quick shower." She said walking towards the bathroom.

-Alexandra's POV-

"Alright, I'm gonna take a quick shower." I said walking towards the bathroom.

I got to the bathroom and did my normal shower routine. I shampooed and conditioned my hair, shaved my legs and washed my body. I stepped out of the steaming shower into the cold air. I felt kind of weird taking a shower in the guys apartment. I grabbed the closest towel and wrapped it around myself. I got my brush and ran it through my knotty hair. I looked around and then realized that I had forgot my clothes.

"Shit." I quietly said to myself.

I picked up my pajamas to put them back on to get my clothes but when I picked them up they felt weird. I then realized that they were soaking wet. I guess I must have stepped on them when I got out of the shower. I knew what I had to do. I unlocked the door and walked out of the bathroom, in just my towel. I ran into the living room and of course Alfie and Caspar were sitting right there watching tv. I ran past them and grabbed my entire duffle bag. The whole time I was running through the living room I saw them watch me run past them. I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I nervously laughed silently to myself. I changed into my clothes for the day and towel dried my hair a bit. I always liked the way my hair looked when it was a bit messy after it was dried. I decided I would go the day without makeup, seeing as how Alfie seemed to like it like that last night. I walked back out into the living room and looked at the guys.

"Decide to put clothes on?" Caspar said in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh hush, Caspar." I said sitting in one one of the kitchen chairs.

"Why didn't you just put your pajamas back on to get your clothes?" Alfie said.

"Because they were soaked. I stepped on them by accident." I said slipping on my favorite pair of Toms.

"Sure you did." Caspar said.

I looked at Caspar and stuck my tongue out at him. He did the same to me. I rolled my eyes and slipped on the other shoe.

"So Alexandra, you wanna finish up planning out the video?" Alfie asked.

"Sure, where did we leave off?" I asked.

"Hmmm" he said picking up the pad of paper, "I think we finished off talking about how we were gonna judge each others accents." He said looking over the paper.

"Well we're gonna need someone who doesn't have our accents." I said.

At that moment we both looked at Caspar.

"What?" Caspar said looking at both of us, "who? Me?"

"Yes! You have a South African accent, you can judge!!!" I said excitingly.

"Alright, but you gotta do one thing for me." Caspar said.

"Who, me? What is it?" I asked.

"You gotta make those burgers again sometime." Caspar said smiling.

"No problem." I said holding out my fist.

Caspar bumped my fist. We laughed and smiled at each other. I could tell that Caspar and I were going to become good friends.

****Hello my lovelies!! I hope you all liked this chapter. I really actually do like hearing what you think of the story and if I could make any improvements please don't hesitate to comment or personal message me! I love all forms of input. Thanks again for reading and as the lovely Alfie Deyes always says, please leave your comments at the bottom!*****

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