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****The outfit on the right is the outfit that Alexandra is wearing that day!****  

>One month later<  

-Alexandra's POV-  

I walked down the stairs into the living room waiting for Finn to pick me up for our usual breakfast date. Ever since we started seeing each other we would get breakfast together every Saturday morning. I always looked forward to these dates. I was wearing a flowy white long sleeve shirt, my blue skinny jeans with gold flip-fops. It was a few minutes before Finn was supposed to get here and my phone started to go off. It was Alfie. We, of course, were still great friends but I always felt a bit of awkwardness when we hung out. I answered the phone.  

"Hello?" I asked.  

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to do something this afternoon. We could go into town for some shopping. What do you say?" Alfie asked.  

"That sounds great! Want me to come round at about 1?" I asked as I walked back and forth in the living room.  

"Sure, I'll see you then. Bye." he said ending the conversation.  

This'll be nice. I'll get to hang out with Alfie for the first time in a while. I was actually really looking forward to this. The doorbell rang and I ran right to the door. I opened it and standing there, looking as great as ever, Finn.   

"Good morning beautiful." Finn said as he walked into the house.   

"Morning, let me just grab my jacket and we'll head out." I said as I started to go for my jacket.  

"Hold on. I have something to ask you." He said putting his hands in his pockets.  

"Is everything okay?" I asked him.  

"Oh, yeah, everything is fine. I was just wondering," he trailed off. he then started to pull something out of his pocket. It looked like an envelope. He handed it to me, "Open it." he said.  

I took the envelope and opened it. It was an invitation. On the top of it there was a big YouTube logo. It had the name of a channel below the logo called Youtubers on Youtubers. It then said, Dear Mr. Finn Harries, you and one guest are cordially invited to attend the launch party of the new YouTube Channel, Youtubers on Youtubers. It then had a lot of information that really didn't seem relevant until the date of the event.   

"So? Do you wanna go with me?" He asked in his usual confident manner.  

"Of course! I'd love to go!" I said excitingly.   

"Great, now come on, we'll talk about it over breakfast." Finn said leading me out of the house.   

I locked the door and we headed for his car. We drove to the same place we went to breakfast the morning Finn spent the night. We talked about the party and whether or not it was a black tie event. It wasn't black tie but it was a suit and tie and dress event. We talked about what hotel we would all stay in and that all of our friends were also invited too. I was mostly excited for that. I loved hanging out with Zoe and Marcus and Alfie and the rest of the gang. I've really grown close to them over the past month. We finished up our breakfast and Finn drove me back home. He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and I walked up to the house. I got inside and realized something crazy. I never watched me and Alfie's accent video. I felt like a horrible friend not looking at it as soon as it went live. I think it was mostly because of the craziness going on with Alfie and Finn. I didn't want to deal with anything at that time. I had some time before I was supposed to meet Alfie so I decided to watch it. I logged on to YouTube and clicked on my subscriptions then clicked PointlessBlog. I watched the video and it actually had me laughing out loud. I went right to his second channel and checked out the bloopers. They were even funnier than the actual video. I went back to the original video and looked through the comments expecting them to all be hating on me. I wasn't a YouTuber, I had no business being in a YouTube video. But when I scrolled through the comments I was pleasantly surprised. They said things like "She's so funny!" "Do another video together!" and "I ship them!". It was actually really nice to see people accepted that I'm not a Youtuber. The shipping comment made me remember when I liked Alfie and I thought he liked me. It didn't depress me but rather made me wish I was back at that time. I snapped out of it and looked at the time. It was now 12:30. I needed to start to get ready to pick up Alfie. Since I'm going to be living in London for a year I decided that I would need to get my license. Which I did. Alfie still didn't have his, but I didn't mind driving him some places. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I got in the car and drove to Alfie's apartment and parked right in front. I texted Alfie, letting him know that I was outside the apartment. In a few minutes he came outside in his favorite grey jumper, jeans and converse. I sighed, thinking about when I first moved to London. He started walking towards my car. I collected myself and put on a smile. He had the biggest smile on in the world. I think he was really excited that we were gonna hang out.   

-Alfie's POV-  

I was so excited to see Alexandra. I got into the passenger seat and looked over at her. She looked as beautiful as ever. Then again she could look beautiful in a potato sack. I still couldn't believe Finn was stringing her along for this long. She didn't deserve this. He doesn't deserve her. She's sweet and kind and amazing. He's just a twat. I really hope that she'll say yes when I ask her to be my guest at the YouTube launch party. I kept patting my jacket pocket to make sure the invite was there. We got to town and started walking around.   

"So Alexandra, there's this--" I started to say.   

"Oh, before I forget! Will you help me pick out a dress?" She said excitingly.    

"Oh, for what?"  I asked her.   

"Well Finn just invited me to this YouTube channel launch party and I need a new dress, I was hoping I could get a man's opinion." She told me.   

Finn already asked her. Damn it. I can't believe this. Once again I'm outdone by the arsehole.   

"Oh, um, yeah sure." I said softly.   

I started to put away the invitation.   

"Is everything alright?" She kindly asked me.   

"No, yeah everything is fine." I replied.   

-Alexandra's POV-  

"No, yeah everything is fine." He replied.   

He didn't seem like his normal happy self. I stopped walking for a second.   

"Alfie, if you don't want to, that's okay." I said as a turned to him.   

"No, it's fine, come on. Let's try this shop." He said pointing to a dress store.   

"Alright, if you say so." I said.   

We walked into the shop and started to look around. I was so excited when I saw all of the dresses. There were so many to choose from. My eye instantly caught this one red dress. It was perfect. I went over to it and tried to find my size. I picked up a dress in my size and showed it to Alfie.   

"Is this one dressy enough?" I asked him.   

"Probably." He plainly responded.   

"Okay, well do you think I should try it on?" I asked.   

"Sure, why not." He said.   

We walked over to the dressing rooms and Alfie sat down on one of the benches.   

"I'll be out in a second." I said as I went in the dressing room to try on the dress. I put it on and it felt perfect on me. I stepped out of the dressing room and did a little twirl for Alfie.  

"So, what do you think?" I asked him.  

"You look… beautiful." he said softly.  

I started to blush, "Thank you, so do you think I should get it?" I asked.  

"It's honestly perfect for this party." he said with a smile.  

"Okay, I'll be out in a second." I said, going back into the dressing room.  

-Alfie's POV-  

"Okay, I'll be out in a second." she said, going back into the dressing room.  

Wow, she looked amazing. She trotted back into the dressing room and closed the door. 

  "Wow, your girlfriend is beautiful." the guy sitting next to me said.  

"Oh actually she... yeah. She really is." I responded smiling.   

****Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter! I know right, I never upload this fast. Haha, sorry if this chapter is a little short. The dress Alexandra is talking about will be shown when I write about the actual party. Well hope you enjoyed and as the sneaky Alfie Deyes always says, leave your comments below!****

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