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-Alexandra's POV-

We clinked bottles and took sips. I felt like I was now really apart of the YouTube family. Alfie plopped down on the couch on the other side of me. Caspar turned on the TV and we sat there watching some British TV show that I didn't understand. We did this for about an hour and it was now 7:00. Even though I thought I wasn't going to be hungry, but then all of a sudden my stomach growled. Caspar and Alfie looked at me at the same time and started cracking up.

"Oi, Alexandra, you hungry?" Alfie said still giggling.

"Ha, just a bit. What do you guys wanna get for dinner?" I asked.

"I could go for a burger, we never got to have them." Caspar said.

"Yeah, but it's 7:00 on a Saturday night, everywhere is gonna be packed." I said turning to Caspar.

"We could make our own, we just need to run to the store and get what we need." Alfie said.

"Oh yeah, we could just walk to that store down the block." Caspar said.

"Alright, let's go!" I said getting up from the couch.

We all got our jackets on and we were off. We left the apartment in no time and walked out the building. We started down the sidewalk and in a few minutes we were walking into the supermarket. We walked into the store and I saw out of the corner of my eye Alfie taking something out of his pocket. It was his camera.

-Alfie's POV-

"What's up guys! Today was quite the eventful day, if you consider moving furniture, getting dominos and doing nothing, eventful. Today Alexandra painted her new room. How did that turn out Alexandra?" I said turning the camera on Alexandra who was looking up a burger recipe on her phone.

"I think it came out really nice. But of course I couldn't have done it without the wonderful Zoe." She said in a very sweet tone.

I turned the camera back on myself.

"Now as we all know, paint has a very strong scent, and not a very good one, unless you're into that. So of course Alexandra can't sleep there because she might die. So she is staying with me and Caspar tonight while her room dries. Is that right Caspar?"

"Yup! I invited her to stay cause I'm a huge slut." Caspar said proudly.

"Yes, yes you are. So we are all starving so we are getting stuff to make delicious hamburgers. Alexandra what do we need to get first?" I asked her, turning the camera on her as he was still looking up a recipe.

"Well we need to get ground beef, that's obviously the most important." She said, she looked back at her phone, "and I like to add a bit of BBQ sauce, garlic, and all that nice stuff to them, they're so much better with them." She said getting really excited.

We started for the refrigerated section of the market, with Alexandra leading the way. She had a very sweet take charge attitude that I loved. We got to the section with all of the meat. She jumped right in and took the best looking meat and put it in our cart. She was a pro at this. We went through the rest of the market and got whatever else we needed for a burger dinner. We got fries, buns, ketchup and some more beers. We paid at the register and went back home. We quickly got back to the apartment and wasted no time in starting dinner. Alexandra got out her laptop and opened up the recipe she was looking at before. She went over to the sink and washed her hands. Caspar and I did the same. We opened up the meat and dumped it in a bowl. Alexandra then went on to add all of these different things. We all had a turn at mixing the meat. I decided I needed to vlog about this. I quickly washed my hands again and dried them.

"Hello guys, we are back from the super market and now Alexandra and Caspar are elbow deep in some ground beef. Alexandra has added some delicious ingredients and it will be quite the burger. Right Alexandra?" I said turning the camera on Alexandra and Caspar mixing the meat.

"Yes, I've added all the ingredients my mom adds when she makes burgers and she makes the best." She said pulling her hands out of the bowl.

"Your hands look so good right now," I said laughing at her.

She smiled and stuck her tongue out at me.

-Alexandra's POV-

I smiled and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Okay so now we have to make the burgers and put them stove." I said going back to the bowl.

I grabbed a handful of beef and flattened it into a patty. I looked at it and showed it to the camera.

"Does this look right?" I asked.

"Do you think I know?" Alfie asked jokingly.

"I don't know, haha, alright, this should be good." I said.

I put a pan on the stove and turned on the stove. I made the rest of the beef into burgers while the pan heated up. I hovered my hand over the pan to make sure it was warm, it was. I plopped the burgers on the pan and there was a sizzle. Caspar and I went over to the sink and washed our hands one last time. I looked through the drawers and found a spatula that I could use to flip the burgers.

"Okay, so we need to cook the burgers on each side for like 4 minutes on each side, I think." I said making an I-have-no-clue-what-I'm-doing face.

"You think?" Caspar said looking at me.

"I'm pretty sure that's how my mom made them." I said, "I'm sure they'll be fine." I laughed.

4 minutes went by and I flipped the burgers. They looked perfect. Another 4 minutes and I put them all on a plate. Caspar got out 3 plates and 3 buns. I got the ketchup and Alfie got the beers. We all took a burger and put them on the buns. We looked at each other and all took a bite. We chewed for a bit then all smiled. They were amazing!! I was so proud of myself. I never thought I could make a burger this good!

"Alexandra, I gotta say, these are amazing." Caspar said with a full mouth.

"Thanks!" I said taking a sip of beer.

We finished up dinner and cleaned it all up. Caspar washed the dishes, I dried them and Alfie put them away. We were a well oiled machine. It was now about 9:30 and we were all stuffed. Just as we sat down to start watching TV I heard my phone go off. I looked at it and saw it was Zoe. I answered it and went to another room. I recognized it from YouTube and saw it was Caspar's room. I pressed the accept button and held the phone up to my ear.

"Hey Zoe, what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing, what about you? How's everything going over there?" She asked.

"It's all good, we just are dinner, we all made burgers and Alfie started vlogging it." I said slowly pacing back and forth. "Now we're just watching some TV."

"Oi Alexandra!!! We're gonna watch a movie! How's The Hangover 2?!" I heard Alfie yell from the other room.

"I'll be there in a minute!" I yelled back. "Gotta go Zo, I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yes, see you soon!" She said hanging up the phone.

****Sorry for not updating for the longest time! I know, I'm horrible!!! Thanks everyone for getting me to way over 1,000 reads on this fan fic! You guys are amazing❤ And as the amazing Alfie Deyes always says, please leave your comments below!! And one more thing, a big shout out to @pointlessfanfics for dedicating one of her chapters in her Alfie story!****

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