Call Me Alex

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***Before you guys start reading I just want to let you know that it is very important for you guys to read the little author's note at the end. Enjoy!!****

-Alexandra's POV-

"What if I don't?" Alfie asked.

The next thing I saw was Finn punching Alfie in the face. Alfie didn't waste any time to reciprocate and punched him right back. Finn tackled Alfie and started hitting him. Alfie wasn't having any of it and started hitting Finn as well. It didn't take long for Jack and Caspar to pull Finn off Alfie. Alfie started to lunge at Finn but Jim and Joe pulled him off right away. I saw Marcus running over to Alfie.

"What happened mate!?" Marcus said in a panicked voice.

Before I heard Alfie respond, Zoe, Louise and Tanya ran over to me.

"Are you alright? Zoe asked.

"Did you get hurt?" Tanya asked.

While they were asking me questions Louise started looking at my arms and stuff to see if I was hurt. I guess that was her motherly instinct kicking in.

"Guys, I'm fine." I said getting up.

I went over to Alfie and looked him in the eyes. His lip was split, he had some cuts on his face and he was definitely was going to wake up the next morning with a black eye. He took a real beating.

"Alexandra, why don't you take Alfie and get him cleaned up." Jim said.

"Okay." I answered softly.

I took Alfie by the hand and lead him to his room. He unlocked the room and we went inside. He sat on the bed while I soaked a hand towel in some cold water. I sat down next to him and started to dab the cuts with the towel. We sat there in silence for a little while.

"Don't say it." I said softly.

"Say what?" He asked.

"Don't say, I told you so." I said, my voice started cracking.

"I would never." He responded.

"I feel so stupid." I said looking down, tears started forming in my eyes.

He lifted up my chin, "Never say you're stupid. He's stupid for treating you like that." He said as he looked into my eyes.

Before I could say anything else his lips crashed onto mine. They were warm and soft. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me passionately. We broke away from the kiss at the same time. He bit his lip and looked me in the eyes.

"Alexandra, would you maybe want to go out sometime?" He asked.

"Of course," I said. I then kissed him. We broke away from the kiss again, "and I told you, call me Alex."

 ****Hello my lovelies. So, as you could probably guess, this is the end of the story. I just want to thank all of you for your support and votes and thank you for making me feel like I have a purpose to write. I would say that this is the last you'll ever see of Alfie and Alex but it's not!! I plan on writing a sequel. But not only that but I will also write some short imagines. Things like Alex and Alfie go on a date, meeting the parents, maybe even some smut if you guys want. So once again thank you all for reading and I will be coming out with some imagines soon. I would also like to enlist your help in thinking of imagine ideas. Comment on this chapter with your imagine idea. But I will have to unfortunately limit it to one imagine per person. After the whole "Would you rather" ideas, yeah a lot of you like to put in input. But there's of course nothing wrong with that!!! I love input!!!! And if there are repeat ideas of course I will write it. I've already written a few and I really think you'll guys enjoy them. I'd also be alright with you guys requesting imagines with just Alex and Zoe, Alex and Marcus, Alex and Joe, or even Marcus and Alfie!! The possibilities are endless!! I WILL STOP TAKING REQUESTS ON JULY 25TH!! Thanks again and as the perfect Alfie Deyes always says, leave your comments below!!****

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