Chapter 5- USJ Attack

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WARNING: Cursing

"What? Real villains? No way." Kirishima said.

"How did they get into a U.A facility this secure?" Ochaco asked.

"Yeah, why aren't the alarms going off." Yaoyorozu asked.

You started to think. "Maybe someone deactivated the facility's sensors so it wouldn't notify U.A staff." You explained

"So someone down there has a quirk that can stop their presence from triggering the alarm sensors." Todoroki said.

"They carefully chose this isolated facility as an entry point at a time when a class was being taught. Their fools for trespassing here, but they've thought this out." Todoroki explained

"Whatever their plan is, they must have a concrete objective in mind." Todoroki said.

Once again they started to think. "They must've infiltrated U.A recently. So I'm thinking, it wasn't just the press that got into the campus, but it was actually a villain." You explained.

"Thirteen, get them outta here and alert the main campus." Aizawa demanded.

"If they've got the ability to block our sensors, then wouldn't they just jam out regular communications, too?" You asked Aizawa.

"Yes they could've did that. Kaminari, try using your quirk to contact the school." Aizawa said and Kaminari followed his command.

"I'll leave to you Thirteen." Aizawa said before launching himself in battle.

All of you students started to run towards the exit and back to the main campus. But of course the villains had other plans. The purple mist had beat you and you class to escaping.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. We are the League of Villains. I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello. And besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the symbol of peace to take his last breath?" The purple mist said and that really got you attention.

"They're trying to kill papa..? Damnit! Why do you have to be the number 1 hero and be a big target for villains?!" You thought to yourself.

"I believe he was supposed to be here today, and yet I see no sign of him. There must've been some sort of change in plans we could not have foreseen." He spoke once again.

"Ah, well, in the end I suppose it doesn't matter. I still have a role to play." He said.

Thirteen was about to use their quirk on the purple mist but Bakugou and Kirishima just in front and attacked.

"You goddamn idiots." You thought to yourself

"You live up to your school's reputation. But you should be not careful, children. Otherwise, someone might get hurt." The purple mist warned.

"You two! Get out the way!-"

"I'll scatter you around this facility to meet my comrades, and your deaths!" He said

Well... he did as he said he would do. He scattered some of you around the USJ. You were teleported to the Collapse Zone.


"I think that's the last of these guys." Bakugou said.

"Tch! Weaklings." You insulted.

"All right. Let's find the rest of our class. If we're both still in the USJ then everyone else probably is too." Kirishima said.

As soon as you guys hit the ground, you were ambushed by the villains. Thankfully you guys managed to take them down easily.

"You wanna track everyone down, then have fun. But I'm going to destroy that warpy bastard." Bakugou insisted.

"I'm with blasty on this one Kirishima. Besides, they must not know what our quirks are because if they did, I'm pretty sure they would've never put me in this terrain. Instead, the villain would've put me in water so I can't use my quirk." You explained.

"Yeah... that is true. But our physical attacks didn't work on that guy. C'mon. Don't be an idiot, guys." Kirishima said.

"Shut up! I'm gonna take him down because he's their only way in and out. If I cut off their escape route, they'll be stuck here and have to pay for what they've done!" Bakugou yelled.

A camouflage villain came from behind you and tried to stab you. Yeah... he miserably failed. You and your fast reaction time caught him by surprise and blasted into the wall so he would pass out.

"And it's quite obvious that you didn't see that neck armor he had on. So the warp guy must have a physical body that he's covering up." You explained.

"Woah! That reaction time was insane, L/N." Kirishima said, fascinated by how quick you reacted.

"Anyways. If all these villains are small fries like these guys were, then our classmates can handle them." Bakugou said surprisingly calm.

"Wait. Since when do you act so calm and rational?" You asked, a little confused.

"Yeah, usually you're all like... DIE! DIE! DIE!!" Kirishima imitated.

"I'm always calm and rational, you red-haired and lava loser!" Bakugou yelled, basically in his normal tone.

"Go find the others if you want to."
Bakugou said, about to walk away.

"Wait, hold up!" Kirishima said, getting Bakugou's attention.

"I think what your really saying is that you believe in our classmates." You said, charging up your quirk.

"And that's thinking like a man, Bakugou." Kirishima added.

"You both sound like idiots." Bakugou insulted walking away from you two but the both of you stared to follow him.

"You know that's what you're thinking, you just don't wanna admit it." You said, smirking.

"Wow. This is the most emotions I've ever seen outta you, L/N." Kirishima stated, a little shocked.

"Well it might be the last time as well. Also just call me Y/N, no need for any formalities." You said.

"Also if your gonna call me 'Lava' then I'll call you blasty, or boom boom boy." You said, smirking.

"DAMNIT YOU SHITTY GIRL, DON'T FUCKING CALL ME THAT!" Bakugou yelled but you weren't fazed.

"Nah, I think Blasty is what I'll call you. Or even better, Bakuhoe." You said.

You could feel Bakugou's blood boil from a mile away. But you didn't care, you wanted to piss him off.


"Ooh, Angry Pomeranian fits you good as well-" You said, ignoring Bakugou.

You guys just went back and forth while Kirishima was just following you guys. At this point he was just questioning his life.

"Damn. They fight like a married couple. I honestly ship it." Kirishima thought to himself, smirking.

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