Chapter 37- Kidnapped Pt. 2

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WARNING: Cursing, Physical Abuse, Mental Abuse

It's been 3 days since your kidnapping. Bakugou and Midoriya were still on house arrest. But Bakugou couldn't focus on a damn thing. He was so focused on you and if you were okay.

He understood that your entire class felt distraught without you but he felt that without your presence, the class would never be the same.

"Bakugou!" Kirishima yelled at grab his attention.

"What, shitty hair!" He yelled.

Kirishima sighed. "My hair isn't that different from yours but whatever." He sighed.

"I saw you zoning out. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Kirishima stated.

Bakugou was silent for a bit before speaking. "I'm worried." He whispered.

Kirishima was shocked that he was worried about anything but he didn't provoke Bakugou in anything. "About what?" Kirishima asked.

"Her." Bakugou responded.

"Y/N? I'm sure she'll be perfectly fine." Kirishima tried reassured him but it didn't really work.

"But what if she isn't?" Bakugou whispered.

Kirishima was quite confused on to why Bakugou was so worried about you. Until it hit him.

"Wait, do you like Y/N?" Kirishima asked.


"Look I was just kidding when I said I ship you guys but damn!" He exclaimed.

"I don't like her!" Bakugou yelled.

"Then why are you so worried." Kirishima asked.

"Because she's my friend, you idiot. Every other person in the class is worried about her but your not telling them that they like her." Bakugou growled before exiting the common area

Maybe Kirishima was right. Maybe Bakugou did like her, that's probably why he so worried about her. No she's just his stupid classmate in his way of becoming the number one hero... right?


"Omg you look cute!" Toga squealed.

"I don't feel cute. You won't even let me shower. Like that's the least you could do." You complained.

"Oh well, sucks for you!" She stated and you growled.

"I'm just glad I can see you once again!" She squealed once more.

You tilted your head in confusion. "I've one saw you one time." You stated.

Toga giggled. "That's because I was Camie Utsushimi." She smirked and your eyes widened.


She held out a syringe and walked towards you. You tried to back away from her but it was no use. She took of your bandages on you leg and stabbed you right in your leg, where your wound was.

You immediately screamed in pain and when she pulled the me syringe out, it almost immediately bursted into pieces.

A tear fell down your face as you were heavily breathing, wanting the pain to end.

"Your blood is still pretty hot, a little too hot for me to even ingest. But that's fine-" Toga started, pulling out a knife.

"Because I'll make your death come faster. Beside you'll look even cuter with a little more blood!" She squealed.


You were so tired, but didn't dare to close your eyes. You though that if you did, you wouldn't wake back up, so you refused to do so.

Toga had made a few cuts on your body but it wasn't as bad as the wound on your leg. And now that it's exposed, it hurts way worse than it's supposed to.

You decided to pull on the chains on your wrists to break them but they wouldn't budge.

"You'll just tire yourself out by doing that." Dabi stated from behind you.

"How long we're you there?" You asked.

"About a minute." He responded.

"And you didn't even say anything?" You growled.

"I don't have to say anything." He spoke and knew you would shut up.

"But that's not why I'm here." He mentioned, walking up to you a little.

"Then why are you here?" You asked.

He smirked and you were confused until you look down a little and saw it and your eyes widened.

"I don't give a fuck what you do to me! I'm not fucking sucking you off, you horny fuck!" You spat.

"Remember L/N. Your life is on the line." He reminded you.

"I'm fully aware of that. But I would rather die a slow and painful death and satisfy you needs, you pig." You spat once more.

Dabi growled, getting closer to your face and gripping you neck, burning it a little.

"I don't care if you don't want to listen to me. Because I'll make you." He smirked.

"Im not scared of you. Or your stupid side bitches behind that door." You insulted.

He slapped you really hard, which left a red mark on you cheek.

"Your that i-intimidated by me that you have to hit me, you pathetic sadistic bitch." You stuttered.

"If I were you I wouldn't be speaking unless you want to get hit again." He whispered in your ear before licking your neck.

You head butted him as you were feeling very uncomfortable. This made him very angry and grabbed you neck once more, burning it, and throwing you on the ground, where you just sat there.

"I don't care who you are. But I won't let you disrespect me, bitch." He insulted.

"Your absolutely nothing. And you'll always be nothing as long as your living on this fucking Earth." He continued.

"Y-Your just mad that I didn't give you a f-fucking blowjob." You stuttered.

"Remember your place, bitch. Your getting paler by the second and every time I hit you, the faster you'll die." Dabi stated

"I know my p-place. My place is that I'm a 15 year old girl not wanting to give oral sex to a fucking grown ass horny man." You spat as you sat up straight.

"Maybe if I make you go to sleep, you'll have a change of heart-" Dabi started as he heard a bang on the other side of the door.

He immediately rushes out of the door, leaving it completely open and a few seconds after he left, you collapsed onto the floor. You body was starting to give up and you didn't have the strength to get up.

Your eyes were getting heavy, but you didn't want to go to sleep.

You body was so cold. And not to mention that you had all of these unwanted bruises and cuts on your skin. And it hurt every time you moved. The cuts, bruises, and burns rubbed against your skin and I hurt like a bitch.

It was about a minute or so later before someone rushed in right before your eyes were about to closed. And thankfully, it was Aizawa.

"Uncle Shota..." You whispered

"I'm right here, Y/N and I need you to stay awake for me. Okay?" He asked and you slightly nodded and he lifted you up and carried you out of the building or whatever you were at.

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