Chapter 39- Letting It Out

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⚠️WARNING ⚠️ : Cursing(ofc), Mentions of Sexual Assault.

"That's a taste of what it's like to fight me. So what days think? Don't you think my quirk is strong." Mirio asked.

"Yeah, too strong to be exact!" Sero yelled

"That's not fair! Mine's nothing in comparison." Toru added.

"How can you slip through things and warp? Do you have two powers like Todoroki does?" Mina asked.

"Nope. Just one." Mirio responded calmly.

"Ooh. I know! I'll tell you what his quirk is!" Nejire said.

"Hey, hey, can I say it? Permeation! Cool right?!" She blurted.

"Hado. Let Mirio explain his own power." Tamaki stated.

"Yup. I've got a sweet quirk that's called Permeation. What you guys thought of as a warp was, you guessed it, simply an alternative application of that power." Mirio explained.

"So how exactly do you warp?" Midoriya asked and Mirio explained his quirk as everyone began to ask questions.

And as he was explaining everything, you couldn't help but to think that you were starting to get weaker and the big three were your proof. You felt like you were a complete amateur and thatyou need to work harder so you wouldn't fall behind.


"Togata's story of how he went from last place to the top was so killer, wasn't it?" Mina squealed

"Yeah!" Ochaco stated.

"I'm really looking forward to getting into a work study now." Tsu mentioned.

"I hope we get the chance. I think they're still figuring out what to do with us first years. Ochaco mentioned.

"I suppose there's nothing we can do until Mr. Aizawa gives us the go ahead." Momo explained.

"That is true." Toru added.

"Hey, Y/N, you've been awfully quiet. Is there something wrong?" Kyoka asked as you started to snap back into reality.

"O-Oh... it's nothing." You stuttered.

Kyoka knew that something was wrong but she didn't want to push you to say anything if you don't want to.

"Okay..." She whispered.

"Anyways, imma head to bed. See ya." You said as you headed upstairs to your dorm.

As soon as you closed the door, you slid down the door and your knees were against your chest. You laid you head on top of your knees.

You sighed feeling so... worried. What if the League of Villains attack U.A again? What if they take you and finish the job? What if they-

Suddenly, someone knocked on your door, interrupting your thoughts. You slowly got up to answer the door, not knowing that it was Bakugou.

You were kinda surprised and confused that he was here but you invited him in and he accepted.

"Your room look empty as fuck." He criticized.

"If you're just gonna criticize my room that the exit is right there." You growled, pointing towards the door.

"I would gladly do so, but that's not why I'm here right now." He stated.

You rose one eyebrow. "Then why?" You asked him.

He sighed. "I'm just gonna cut to the chase, what's wrong with you?" Bakugou asked.

"What do you mean?" You asked him.

"Don't play innocent, Y/N." Bakugou stated.

That's how you knew he wasn't playing and he was being serious. He rarely calls you by you actual name. Usually he'd call you 'lava bitch' or 'rock face' or something on the lines of that.

"What are you talking about? I'm just fine-" You started but was cut off by Bakugou.

"Don't lie to me, Y/N. I'm not stupid, I can see it- Everyone in the fucking class can see something is obviously wrong!" He started to raise his voice as he bagan to walk up towards you.

"I-" You tried to say but the words just wouldn't come out. Your eyes started to water.

"Don't try to make up some stupid excuse because it's not gonna work." Bakugou told you.

You inhaled and exhaled and put your head down. "Y-You wouldn't understand..." You whispered.

"How wouldn't I?" He asked.

"When they kidnapped me it was fucking hell!" You raised your voice.

"They did everything the could to fucking break me! Stabbed me, chocked me, burned me, all just so they could kill me!" Your voice began to crack and tears began to pour down.

"They even tried to-" You started but Bakugou cut you off with a hug.

"You don't have to say anything else if your not comfortable." He whispered, knowing what you were going to say and your heart skipped a beat.

You were shocked of how soft he was being towards you, but eventually, you broke down crying.

"I-I don't get why b-bad things always happen to me." You sobbed.

"It's all my f-fault you and I got kidnapped. It's my fault m-my dad lost his power. It's my fault I got kidnapped again! All because I wasn't fucking strong enough. Damnit!" You continued, as you basically sobbed in his chest.

"How the hell am I supposed to be a fucking hero when I can't even save myself?" You questioned.

"All this shit that happened these past weeks was completely out of your control." Bakugou whispered.

"Those villains are fucking idiots and they just want you to be scared of them because their intimidated by you." He continued.

"You're so strong Y/N. You're one of the strongest people in our class, not strongest than me though." He reassured you and you giggled a little.

"They want you to think that your weak so you won't reach your full potential because they knew what your capable of and what you can do." He continued.

"You're strong, smart, and amazing and you deserve better than how the world treats you. But sometimes good people have to go through tough times to become stronger than they've ever been. And even though it's hard now, I promise it'll get better for you." Bakugou explained as he rubbed your back.

You started to calm down as you both sat in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was just needed in a time like this.

Your eyes began it get heavy from all of that crying. It was getting harder to stay awake but eventually you gave in and closed your eyes. But before you drifted off to sleep, you said something to Bakugou.

"Thank you, Bakugou..." You whispered.

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