Chapter 29- Back To Class

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WARNING: Cursing

It was currently 7:00 and all of you were up and getting ready for school. Everyone in your class absolutely loved being in the dorms. Well, everyone but you. You just felt... weird. Maybe it was the space you had to share with you classmates. As much as you loved being away from Akari and her abusiveness, you didn't really like the space you shared with your classmates, mainly because of your quirk since it's so destructive.

Or maybe to was how quiet it used to be. You like peace and quiet. And when you were at home, that was the one of the things that you loved when you were at home. But you can't complain now, I mean you're with your friends and a place where you guys are safe.

You wanted to believe that was what it was. But no matter what you believe, that feeling just wouldn't go away.

"Good morning, Y/N!" Mina greeted snapping you back into reality.

"Oh... hey Mina.." You mumbled.

"Aren't you excited?! We're finally going back to U.A as a class." Mina beamed.

"Yeah... I am it's just that it's too early for this shit." You complained.

"Oh... well maybe the walk to school will get you to wake up!" Mina stated, walking to the kitchen.

You stood by the couch before getting your stuff and walking towards the door.

"L/N, where are you going?" Iida asked and everyone started to look at the two of you

You sighed as you turned around to face Iida. "I'm heading to class." You responded.

"But it's super early and you didn't eat breakfast yet-" Iida started but before he could finish, you walked out the door.

You still couldn't figure out what was bothering you. You wanted to blame this feeling on the fact that you guys have to live in the dorms but you knew you would be lying.

"Oi! Lava freak!" Bakugou called for you.

You sighed, coming to complete stop and turned to look at Bakugou. "What do you want?" You asked him, slightly irritated.

"Why are you becoming so distance with everybody?" He asked you.

"I'm not being distance..." You implied.

"Oh really? Then why are you leaving 30 minutes before your supposed to?" He asked.

"So the paparazzi won't get to me- Why the hell do you even care?" You asked.

"Because I know something is wrong and I want to figure out what." He responded.

"Oh so you're being nosy. Great." You stated as you continued to walk to U.A and he followed

You sighed. "This is like the first day of school all over again..." You whispered.

Finally, you had peace and quiet. Even though Bakugou was present, you were grateful that he wasn't trying to insult or anything. Well that was until...

"So... we're not gonna talk about what happened at camp." Bakugou asked.

"I'd rather not talk about anything that happen at camp. Besides, there's nothing to talk about because it didn't happen." You stated.

"But if Earplugs didn't come out, it would've." Bakugou mentioned.

"Her name is Jirou and maybe it would've. But it was in the heat of the moment and neither one of us were thinking so there is nothing to talk about and I won't talk about it." You explained before speeding up as he started to slow down.

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