Chapter 38- Mother's Child

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It was basically a normal day in the dorms. Everyone
was acting casually but any person could tell the mood wasn't the same.

"Tch. I'm gone for 5 days and you guys are acting all depressed on me?" You walked in the dorms, surprising everyone.

"Y/N!" Mina was the first person to run up to you and hug you. And of course, you hugged back

"I was so worried about you!" She wailed.

You chuckled. "I would be worried about me too." You stated.

"Are you okay? Did they do anything to you?" Ochaco asked.

"I'm fine. It's nothing that I couldn't handle." You reassured them.

So enough, everyone started to come up to you. Everyone except Bakugou. You skimmed through the crowd looking for him and you finally saw him walking up the stairs.

You were confused, but then just let it go and enjoyed your friends company while it lasted.


After talking to your friends for a few, you decided to  excuse yourself and head to your dorm, since you had a long day. At least that's what you said. You actually just want to find a good enough excuse so you could go to Bakugou's dorm and basically annoy him.

You knocked his door once and he didn't answer. So you knocked again. This time he said something.

"Go away, you damn lava freak!" He yelled.

"How the hell did you know it was me?!" You questioned him.

Bakugou opened the door. "Because your the only one stupid enough to bother me while I'm in my dorm." He growled.

You rolled your eyes. "Well I'm not scared of you like almost everyone in our class and I'm not stupid." You responded.

"Actually I'm smarter than you, if you didn't notice by my grades." You exclaimed.

"Tch. Smart ass." He whispered as he rolled his eyes.

He didn't even notice that you were speak until you shoved past him and into his dorm.

"What the hell?!" He yelled as you looked around in awe.

"Dude... your room looks so cool..." You whispered

"Of course it does." Bakugou turned away so you wouldn't see his burning face.

"Honestly, I though your room would look so disorganized since y'know, your a little bit disorganized." You mentioned.

You started to notice how Bakugou's face was starting to fume. "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU BITCH BEFORE I KILL YOU!" He yelled.

"Sorry, jeez.." You whispered.


"Now that Y/N and Midoriya are back, we'll go into more detail about what the work studies entail." Aizawa announced.

"Go ahead and come in. I'll have people who've experienced them firsthand to explain." He stated as three 3rd years walk into the classroom.

"I suggest you listen carefully as they point out how work studies differ from interships." He said.

"These three are third years at U.A. They rank at the very top of our student body. You may know them as the Big Three.

"The best of the hero course.." Sero stated in awe.

"Of all the talented students here, they're the once at the top." Iida stated

You weren't really too interested in what they were talking about you just looked out the window as they were speaking, which was complete nonsense. You were here not too long before you came to this school and you saw a glimpse of them but nothing else really.

Apparently their names is Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, and Tamaki Amajiki. You like Amajiki the most but he was a little shy and you found it kinda cute(not in a romantic way. Maybe for another book)

"Okay, you guys look like you have no idea what's going on." Mirio mentioned.

"I guess we are third years who just showed up in your classroom to explain a program that's completely voluntary." He continued.

"You guys got your provisional licenses as first years, right? This batch of new students has proven to be pretty darn energetic." He told you guys.

"So the problem is, you must not have a sense of humor. That's why my joke didn't land." He stated.

Nejire and Tamaki looked up at him. "Don't do it." Amajiki told him.

"Heads up, the rad new plan is all you first-years fight me all at once." Mirio announced and that's what really got your attention.

Togata got approval from Mr. Aizawa and you all put on your gym uniform and went to Gym Gamma.

"Is he... for real?" Sero asked.

"Oh, yea, totes real." Mirio responded.

"Mirio. You're impossible. It would have been simple enough for us to just tell them. Not everyone has your level of drive." Tamaki stated.

"Plus, think about how bad it'll look if some of them can't recover after fighting you. No one wants to spend the next few years in a hospital bed." Tamaki explained.

They were talking about stuff that you weren't interested in. And one by one, each one of you classmates were defeated by Mirio. You were little confused on what his quirk was but you had an idea of it. And for some reason, he saved you for last. Even though he took out the long distance people before the rest and you quirk was long distant.

Then he went on with the short distant people and started off with Midoriya. Midoriya had a good strategy but was basically taken down instantly. And then he took down the rest of you class.

And now it was you, well it was you and Todoroki but he decided not to participate. But you basically didn't want to fight him but he insisted so here you are.

"Saved the best for last I guess." You whispered.

"I mean you are one the strongest people in your class." Mirio stated.

"I'm no where near the strongest of my class when I know I can learn more." You explained.

"I just want to see what All Might has been teaching you." Mirio said.

"My father hasn't taught me as much as you think he has." You told him.

"Is that so." He smirked.

"Of course. The skills I have is not just because of my father. It's simply because I'm my mother's child." You smirked.

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