Chapter 17- Final Exam Pt. 2

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WARNING: Cursing

All Might was running down the main road.

"Where did Young Midoriya run off to? I haven't seen Y/N neither. Since they're hiding, does that mean they're planning to make a break for the escape gate?" All Might thought to himself.

Suddenly from the back of All Might, Bakugou showed up. "You're going the wrong way!" He yelled.

"Is that supposed to be a sneak attack?" All Might asked, turning his head towards Bakugou.

Bakugou started to create explosions to keep a distance between the three of you.

"Deku!!" He yelled and behind All Might, Midoriya showed up.

"Shoot now!" Bakugou yelled and that's exactly what Midoriya did creating a huge explosion with one of Bakugou's gauntlets.

On your hand, you had Bakugou's other gauntlet and while All Might was distracted by the flames, you engulfed his surroundings with lava so it would take him some time to catch up to you.

"Come on, you idiots!" Bakugou yelled and you began to fly towards the exit..

"We're almost there. We just have to make it to the gate. A little further." Midoriya said.

"No... something isn't right... He wouldn't just give up the win that easily.." You said.

"But it doesn't look like All Might is chasing us. We probably actually knocked him out back there."

"Of course we didn't! Your the one who keeps crying on how it's impossible to actually defeat him!" Bakugou yelled.

"There's no way that attack knocked him out. When he catches up to us, it'll be lava freak's turn to blast him to hell with a gauntlet." Bakugou explained.

"Interesting. And then what will you do?" All Might asked, coming beside you and Midoriya.

Before you could set the explosion off, All Might broke both of the gauntlets. "Alright heroes, it's time for you to die." He said, punching Bakugou into a building.

Then grabbing Midoriya and slamming him and Bakugou together into the ground. Then he dealt with you. Before you could propel yourself into the air, he grabbed you by the neck and slammed to into the ground still holding onto your next.

"You have an amazing reaction time and combat skills. But that will never be enough to be a great hero." All Might said.

"You really talk a lot. It's making me very angry." You growled before spitting lava through your hands and grabbing onto All Might's wrist. That caused him to throw you into building.

But in the end, All Might caught Midoriya's wrist and had his foot on back. But then he threw Midoriya onto the road.

"You planned to get away from me using maximum firepower and then make a run for the escape gate. It wasn't a terrible strategy, all things considered. But now that I've destroyed Young Bakugou's gauntlets, you've lost your heavy attack. You're helpless. It's over..." All Might mentioned.

"Damnit..." You thought to yourself, clenching your fists.

"Shut up!" Bakugou yelled before setting off an explosion in All Might's face.

As you were getting up, Bakugou grabbed Midoriya by the collar and threw him towards the exit gate. But All Might crashes into him and Midoriya hit the bus instead.

"Come on now, you're too naive heroes." All Might smirked.

"Tch. I hate when people get too cocky..." You growled, creating big lava balls.

"Those gauntlets were only so I could use maximum firepower with no risk. But now I see that was stupid." Bakugou stated.

"Lava bitch! Now!" Bakugou yelled.

"Damnit Bakugou! Stop calling me a bitch!" You yelled, throwing one of your lava balls towards All Might at the same time as Bakugou letting off an explosion.

"Deku go! Hurry up!" Bakugou yelled, setting off another big explosion and you throwing another large lava ball.

While Midoriya limped to the gate, you and Bakugou continued to fight him off so Midoriya could make it, but it didn't last long. All Might was heading for Midoriya and Bakugou tried to stop him but All Might dodges the attack and grabbed both of you guys and slammed you two into the ground.

And the last thing you saw a green lightning coming towards you. After that, you lost consciousness.


When you finally you saw the window and the sun was setting. You really couldn't remember what happened and you were so confused. You head hurt like a brick fell on top of it. But when you came to your senses, you finally realized that you were in Recovery girl's nurse office. Along with Bakugou and Midoriya.

You slowly stood up and tried not to make any noises as you walked out of the clinic.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" Someone spoke up and that someone was Bakugou.

"I have to get home, I don't wanna be late.." You answered without even sparing him a glance.

Bakugou rose an eyebrow in confusion. "Late for what?" He asked you.

"It's none of you business so stay out of it.." You growled before exiting the room, leave Bakugou extremely confused.

"She's definitely hiding something..." Bakugou thought to himself.


"Where the hell were you, brat?" Akari asked you.

"I was at school..." You answered.

"All the way until 7:00 pm at night?!" She yelled, walking up to you.

You put your head down. "Yeah... I got injured and had to stay in the clinic." You mentioned

Akari gritted his teeth. "You damn liar!" She yelled smacking you and you falling onto the floor, holding your cheek.

"I-I'm not lying... you can even ask the sch-" You started.

She began to pull your hair and you screamed in agony. "You're such a brat and a useless mutt. But since you want to lie, then you'll have a punishment." Akari smirked, gripping your head harder than before.

Tears started run down your eyes knowing exactly what she's going to do to you. "Crying already? So pathetic.." She cackled.

"Damnit Y/N! Stop moving!" Akari yelled.

You were coughing up water as it was being filled into your lungs. You had many bruises and Akari was trying to keep the swelling down. All you wanted to do is end this pain and suffering.

"Damnit! If Toshinori sees you like this, he'll file a divorce and kick me out. I'd be on the streets and have none of his beautiful money." Akari explained.

"M-maybe that's exactly what you n-need, you w-witch!" You coughed.

She dunked you head into the cold water with absolutely no warning. "Watch your damn mouth, bitch. I swear I'll kill you and make it look like an accident you brat!" Akari yelled.

She rose your head back up and the looked at you bruises on you face. "Tch. Your face is fine. You better cover up those other ones." She said, letting go of you.

"Go upstairs now! If you pathetic dad sees you like this I'm done for." Akari demanded.

You immediately ran upstairs to your room. You slammed and locked the door, sliding down the door with your knees in your chest. You immediately started to sob and that night, all you could do was cry your heart out. You couldn't even sleep.

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