Chapter 32- Father vs Daughter

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WARNING: Cursing

You woke up in the middle of the night from spam texts and calls from your dad and stepmom. Most of them were threats from Akari. Your dad was just so worried about you and was making sure that you were okay, but you didn't dare to respond.

You got up from the bed and sat on the floor and leaned against the wall going through all of the text messages that you received.

You even got some from aunts and uncles just wondering where your at because your dad was so worried.

But suddenly, Bakugou took your phone from you and threw it on the bed.

"Dude! What the hell!" You yelled visibly pissed now.

"Be quiet, you'll wake my parents up." Bakugou whispered.

You scoffed in annoyance. "Why the hell did you take my phone and how come your still up?!" You whispered yelled.

"It's kinda hard to sleep when there's only one source of light in the middle of the room. Besides, I could see that you were getting upset so I was just doing you a favor." He responded and you didn't say anything.

It was silent for a quick moment before Bakugou sighed and walked over to you and sat down next to you.

"It's from your stepmom and All Might, huh?" He asked and you nodded.

"Well, if he wasn't worried when he kicked you out, then he has no right to be worried now." He stated.

"... I guess your right..." You whispered.

"I'm always right, princess..." Bakugou smirked and your eyes widened as you heart started to race.

"Don't c-call me that damnit!" You stuttered and you were surprised that you did.

"What's so wrong with calling you princess?" He asked, acting so dense. But deep inside he want to chuckled so bad.

"Everything!" You yelled getting up from the floor and diving on Bakugou's bed, facing the wall.

Your face was so red, you didn't want to face him. You didn't understand, he made you heart race and stomach flip. You didn't understand and you didn't like it. You wanted to go away but you didn't know how.


It was the next day and you told Bakugou you were going to leave before his parents woke up and as usual, he didn't care.

You didn't want to face your dad. He was angry at the time but he didn't mean it... right? He couldn't possibly side with her. I mean, your his daughter. No matter what you should always come first... right?

You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even realize that you were home already and when you finally came to your senses, you hesitated before unlocking the door and you were met with the faces of you father and stepmother. The looked furious but you didn't really care.

"Where were you?! I was so worried about you!" All Might yelled, as you were taking your shoes off at the door.

"Oh really?" You answered, sarcastically, not daring to look him in the eyes.

"Yes, I was!-" He replied.

"I was calling and texting you and asking where you were if you were okay, but you didn't respond." All Might continued.

Why should you have the right to be informed about my whereabouts?" You asked him, looking him dead in the eye.

"After all, you did kick me out. So why should you be worried about me?" You asked in the calmest voice you could.

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