Chapter 21- Love...

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WARNING: Cursing

5:30 am was way too early for you. Especially since you went to sleep a little later than usual.

"Good morning, class." Aizawa greeted.

"Today we begin the train camp that'll increase your strength. Our goal is to increase your skills exponentially, so each of you earns a provisional license." Aizawa explained.

"This will allow you to face the dangers that continue to fester in the darkness." Aizawa continued.

"Proceed carefully. Look alive, Bakugou." Aizawa said, throw a ball to him.

"Try throwing that for me." Aizawa said.

"Yeah, sure. Like in the fitness test." Bakugou said.

"That's right. When you first started school, your record was 705.2 meters. Let's see if you've improved." Aizawa said as Bakugou got into position.

"Oh, I get it! We're checking our progress." Mina said.

"A lot's happened to us the last three months. Maybe he can throw it a whole mile now." Sero stated.

"Or his score will be super disappointing.." You implied.

"C'mon, get it, Bakugou!" Kirishima cheered.

"Tch. I've got this." Bakugou stated getting ready to throw the ball.

"GO TO HELL!!" He yelled, throwing the ball.

"So violent..." You thought to yourself.

"That was 709.6 meters." Aizawa mentioned.

"That's it? Kinda disappointing." Sero stated.

"I honestly called it.." You implied.

"You've had a single semester at U.A. And due to your various experiences, all of you have definitely improved. But those improvements have mostly been limited to mental prowess and technical skill. With a slight increase in stamina thrown in along the way. Your quirks really haven't grown that much stronger. Not on a fundamental level. That's why we're now going to focus on improving your powers." Aizawa explained.

Aizawa began to smirk. "This'll be so hard, you'll feel like you're dying. Let's hope you all survive." Aizawa said.


Aizawa wasn't lying when he said it was hard it'll feel like you were dying.

Well Bakugou was plunging his hands into boiling water to expand his sweat glands, then creating chain explosions to increase the scale of his attacks.

Todoroki is alternating between ice and fire and regulating the temperature of the water. His body gets used to the cold and he works on controlling his flames.

Sero is producing tape continuously to increase his capacity and improve the tape's tensile strength and shooting speed.

Kirishima and Ojiro are basically battling each other. Every time Ojiro hits Kirishima's hardened skin with his tail, both of their quirks are steadily improved.

Kaminari is running his currents through a high-capacity battery to learn to handle larger amounts of electricity.

Uraraka is getting her inner ear canals used to zero gravity in an effort to reduce nausea. All while increasing how much weight she can lift.

Tsu is working out all the muscles in her body including her ridiculous long tongue.

Kyoka is amplifying the quality of her audio by honing her headphone jack. Mina is constantly creating acid to increase her skin's durability.

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