Chapter 35- Again?!

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WARNING: Cursing

It's the end of the provisional licensing exam and you passed. But unfortunately, Bakugou and Todoroki didn't.

They treated you leg and turns out that it wasn't a deep cut, but it would take a while to heal.

But you weren't even focused on that. You were so focused on what that blond, Camie, said about you.

You didn't think you were cursed... right? No it wasn't your fault. It was completely out of your control, but that didn't stop you from thinking otherwise.

You were sitting on the common area couch, basically unaware of your surroundings. It just was too loud for you so you just went upstairs, to your dorm.

But even when they settled down and went to sleep, you just couldn't sleep what so ever. You tried so hard but you just couldn't. You had so much on your mind that you couldn't clear so you just went to the common area and cleared your head.

It was pitched black but you didn't dare to turn on the lights. You didn't want to alert anybody in the dorms so just couldn't.

You snuck out of the dorms and into the woods. You knew that the heroes would be alerted but you didn't really care at the moment

You turned you back for 1 second and suddenly, you saw a shadow behind you. You immediately turn around to see the one person you thought you would never see again.


You completely froze. You body just wouldn't move, no matter how much you wanted it to.

Before you could do anything, he put his hand on your neck, lifting one finger up so you wouldn't disintegrate.

"It's nice to see you too, L/N." He smirked.

You just growled, knowing that you could do a damn thing.

"What do you want from me?" You asked him.

He didn't answer. All he did was grin before you started to see black dots and lost consciousness.


"You fought the night you finished the preliminary hero licensing exam?" Aizawa growled and Bakugou and Midoriya.

"I'm glad to see that you two have so much energy." He growled.

"Aizawa! Hold on with those restraints. It's my fault that they sparred in the first place." All Might back them up.


"Your fault? And how is it that?" Aizawa asked.

"It seems Young Bakugou has been feeling like he was responsible for my retirement. He had to face the licensing exam with those pent-up emotions and then his inferiority complex exploded and this happened." All Might explained, whispering in Aizawa's ear.

"It's all because I didn't realize I was being negligent. This whole fight was brought about because of the failure of his teacher." All Might continued.

Aizawa grunted before loosening the restraints on the two of them. "I understand that they felt they had to break the rules. But this isn't something I can just ignore. There must be a suitable punishment-" Aizawa growled but was cut off when his phone started going off.

Aizawa growled before excusing himself so he could take the call. Meanwhile All Might was just sitting there with Midoriya and Bakugou.

"It's really late Principal Nezu." Aizawa stated.

"I understand that, Aizawa but this is urgent!" Nezu stated.

Aizawa gave him his undivided attention. "What is it?" He asked.

Nezu paused for a second before speaking. "Y/N is missing.." Nezu said.

Aizawa's eyes completely widened. "What?" He whispered.

"There was anything detected inside of her dorm room. And I was alerted when someone left campus. And that someone was Y/N." Nezu explained.

"She has to be nearby then." Aizawa stated.

"I don't think that's the case." Nezu responded.

"I saw her in the woods on the surveillance camera's... and I also saw Shigaraki and then the cameras just shut down." Nezu explained.

"Don't tell me..." Aizawa whispered.

"... I believe Y/N has been kidnapped by the league of villains once more." Nezu said.


Aizawa finally was back. "Who threw the first punch?" He growled.

"I did." Bakugou admitted.

"I also went pretty hard. It wasn't just him." Midoriya added.

"You're both on house arrest. Five days for Bakugou and Four days for Midoriya. During that time, you'll clean all the common areas in the dorm, morning and night. Plus I want a written apology." Aizawa yelled before he sighed.

"That's all! Go." Aizawa demanded and well, that's what those two did.

Aizawa sighed once more before turning to All Might. "We have to talk about something super serious."

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