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𝙭𝙡𝙞𝙭.    W



Kimberly took a bite out of the xtremes airhead strip candy as she watched you tied up the drawstrings of your hoodie. She had fingerless gloves on so it was easier for her to eat without having to take it off then put it back on. You were told from Kimberly to wear a jacket and jeans because of the icy cold the building was radiating inside. "Yeah and our nigga Armin is playing."

Your eyes widened. "He plays hockey? Since when?" You continue walking through the path to head to the seating area. Your eyes gazed around seeing most students from school, some parents, and some little kids that was excited to see hockey. "A month ago but Armin never really talks about it. Why? Ion know."

Kimberly continue explaining as your eyes watched the referees setting up the net for the hockey puck to land on, music was blasting, and you received chills that the air gotten more colder. "Hm and is it going to be just me and you here?"

Kimberly muttered excuse me's here and there while you follow her behind, Kimberly chewed on the strip again. "Nah, the boys are he- Oh! There they go! Aye, y'all boys!" Kimberly shouted out as all three heads turned to see Kimberly speed walking.

The boys got up from their seat and greeted Kimberly. Kimberly hug Jean the most while Eren rolled his eyes then squeezed in between to hug Kimberly again last.

You snorted as Connie rolled his eyes playfully then gazed at you. "Hi." Connie waved his hand as you chuckled that he's being cutely awkward. Connie seen you were wearing a black hoodie, a beanie, and jeans with slides just like him. He licked his lips then you held up your hand to wave at him. "Hi."

You responded back in the same tone, Eren darted his eyes at you and Connie being stiff and not doing shit. It's been a day since you and Connie officially became friends, you two were comfortable with one another again but it ends up being awkward because Connie can't help but feel like he should distance himself.

Eren rolled his eyes as he walked over to you and Connie. "Yo, strict bitch." Eren grabbed your hands to be on his waist and hugged you. Connie squinted his eye at Eren as Eren stuck out his pierced tongue at him.

"You still calling me that?" Eren began wrapping his arms around your shoulders. "Duh, I ain't calling you what everyone calls you." You rolled your neck that you don't see what's wrong with being called by your name but you let it be.

"Uh huh." Eren moved himself from you then glanced at Connie rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly and adjusting his beanie downward. Eren leaned forward to Connie by whispering his ear. "Stop being fucking pussy and enjoy yo time with hea'."

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