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It strummed through her veins like a current. Remnant of the feeling she once felt.

It was like she was alive again.

"Hello New York City Welcome back to the daily Bugual it seems the city has experienced a power outage, though we're grateful to be back online."

"Yes we are Hellen now we have no idea what had caused this but be reassured-"

The words coming from the t.v seemed to make her ears ring. Opening her eyes she looked around.

"Home?" The word seemed foreign on her lips.

She felt like it had everything to do with the emptiness of her apartment. Reaching over to her phone she tried to ignore the buzzing in her head.

5:43 glowed on the screen. She grimaced at the brightness.

'Goodmorning New York.' She thought before sitting up. Though she only groaned at the new formed migraine.

Reaching up to her temples she rubbed them her eyes closed.

She wanted to pretend like everything was fine. Or like she hadn't jumped off the roof of Stark tower.

Even Now she couldn't ignore the buzzing that surrounded her and the clear signs.

Somthing was wrong. Well clearly seeing as she was alive and well. Somehow sitting in bed.

"Yes everything went out even the streetlights."

She looked at the T.v irritated. Reaching for the remote she turned off the t.v. It wasn't just a coincidence that happened.

Even she couldn't write off the large power outage.

Standing up, she walked to her bathroom. It was clean and clear of dust. Wiping her hand along the sink she touched her temple.

The room wasn't buzzing as much. Thankfully. Gripping the marble simk she sighed.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" Her vision seemed to blur but it was just because of her lack of glasses.

Though the ringing in her ears didn't seem to fade.

Walking over to her shower she turned it on and walked over to her medicine cabinet. Opening it she skimmed over the pills.

'Vaginal cramps..no..iron deficiency..no..headache migraines..bingo.'

Grabbing the white pill bottle she opened the container roughly before shaking out three small blue pills.

They were the good ones. Fast acting. That's what she needed at the moment.

Tossing them in her mouth she swallowed them dry and took off her clothes sluggishly. Her head was still killing her and she didn't even want to work today.

Duty calls. She got in the shower and washed her hair thoroughly.

Even after washing her body, she stood there for a few extra minutes trying to get her bearings.

Usually anyone who came back from a near death experience would be freaking out.

but she had a lab and geniuses at her disposal. So finding out the problem wouldn't he hard.

Though she would have to sugar coat what happened before.

Seeing as she really didn't need to go back to therapy. She had enough mentally ill people to deal with.

She couldn't be on that list.

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