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"She wants to see Bucky and Steve."

Everyone looked at him confused."Is she alright?" Wanda asked desperate for an answer.

She knew what it was like to lose a brother, but lose a soulmate before she could truly love her? It would break her.

Bruce looked down at his board."She's fine she just doesn't want everyone to be in there at once...she only wanted a few in before she talks to everyone."

Natasha felt a bad vibe coming from him, and she wanted to know why. Bucky and Steve came rushing from the hall.

They had been called out for a last minute mission and they were glad they didn't miss her. "Shes in-" Both of them past him in a second.

You could tell they came straight from the quinjet. Both were a bit sweaty with minor injuries, but it didn't matter to them.

They just wanted to see her, as the door closed her head looked in that direction. She knew how long it had been since she passed out.

Nine hours. "I'm sorry for making your rush down here, I didn't know you were on a mission." Both of the men seemed to freeze.

They barely recognized her. At least mentally. It was like she was barely holding herself together. Her Mark barely pulsed.

She was exhausted."I just want you to promise me you won't leave when I tell you....I need something to hold onto when it all crashes down around me."


It was was late. They always had their fights late. Tony always had a thing for privacy.

"I'm not some little lapdog for you Anthony. I'm human too! I have feelings and you treat me like im nothing, then your sweet on me!"

Her body sparked."I'm tired of being the one keeping peace in this damn tower!"

The lights flickered as she let her anger out on her boss."I have problems of my own! But I get help I figure it out! But you act like a child!"

This time the she wasn't letting it slide. He had gotten away one too many times.

"You refuse to look past things that shouldn't have been a factor! You've only ever looked out for yourself! You don't even see me as a person."

Her tone calmed as her own anguish and exhaustion took over.

She had been building a home with loose rocks. It was going to eventually cave in on her, and now she was stuck under the rubble.

Tony was still as he looked at her anger. It was something that only made him glare.

"Who told you that?" Tony had always been calm with her, anger never was a large factor unless he was worked up about something serious.

Though this calm was worse than his anger, because she knew him...too well.

Camille wanted to scream and shout. He always had been insensitive with her feelings. It's why those fights never lasted long.

Because she knew he didn't care."No one Tony, im speaking from experience. I've known you for year's and you seem to disregard me every time I tell you of your neglect towards others."

He rubbed his temples."Your being difficult for no reason you know me, yet you act like everything I do is a surprise."

She felt like she was trying to break a brick wall with a stick. It was impossible. Tony wouldn't ever see reason.

Not even for her. So she gave up."It's exhausting Anthony, I wish you just listened to me for once."

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