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"Hello sugar, Thor."

Buck says before sitting down next to me, his legs open wide as he relaxed in the chair.

I sighed."When do I get to leave? I have work to do."

Bruce started to laugh, drawing a sharp glare from me. He rose his hands up in a raising the white flag type of way.

With this I used my lips."What?" He looked over to Tony then back at me.

I glanced over to Tony who seemed really interested in his fingers at that moment. I grunted and looked at Bucky.

He only smirked as he leaned back against his chair arms behind his head eyes closed.

Bruce walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder."Until your...more controlled you have to take some time off."

I felt the blood drain from my face, and thats when Bruce began to panic.

"Shes having a heart attack I've given her a fucking heart attack!" He ran around flailing his arms before I felt a sharp spark.

Thor had shoved his hand on my chest making a shock travel through me.

"Calm down, you act like this is going to kill you." That's when a laugh was heard from the corner of the room.

"The last time I made her take time off she sat in my living room staring at a wall.

Peter snorted causing me to glare at him. He rolled his eyes and kissed my cheek."Don't be a grump im sure I'll arrange something."

I sucked in my cheek before letting it out creating a smacking sound.

Thor rolled his eyes."Where im from women don't work they eat and have babies." I smacked him.

Eliciting a small chuckle from the man. He then poked my stomach.

"I will feed you, you've gotten too thin." I felt my face light up."Really?" The God seemed to look at me with disgust.

"These other mortal women have rubbed off on you too much I must feed you now."

With that he sprung up leaving the room at a fast pace. This time Bruce snorted. Bucky looked over and put his hand on my thigh.

"He's right your much too slim, have you been eating?"

I could feel the heat from a mile away. Peter looked down at me and I noticed his calculated eyes scale me up and down.

"Camille have you been eating." Son of a bitch.

I heard Tony get up and now I knew I definitely I was underweight. The one thing Tony never moved on was my weight.

He was ridiculously protective over me considering how long we've known each other.

In the second year I worked for him I tried to diet seeing as everyone was skinnier than me in the company.

He noticed and said if I ever tried to starve myself again he would fire me on the spot.

I have no idea why but he always been like that, if he thinks im too skinny hell probably force feed me himself.

And that would would not be pretty.

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