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She muttered walking into the small guest room Peter took over when he was in the tower.

It reminded her of the room she had before she came to stark tower.

Small, but full of love. Peter hummed his laptop on the side table as he laid looking up at the cileing.

It was full of stars. Her lips quirked up when she saw her old fairy lights.

No wonder it was familiar. She stayed here the first year of working with Stark. Back when he wanted her working night and day.

Flopping on the bed she looked over to Peter. "I Didnt forget about you."

She says kissing his temple. He looked over at her."I know Bucky texted me, though I would love to hear from you sometimes."

Sitting up she looked down at him."Is that how you really feel Baby?"

She questioned. He looked up at her his eyes holding a feelings she hadn't seen in awhile."Yeah, I just don't want to be alone again."

She frowned and got up. "I'm gonna change, then your gonna tell me everything."

She said before leaving into the closet. When she came out Peter was sitting with a pillow on his lap.

He was timid something she hated so much, seeing as she caused this.

Walking over to the bed she sat in front of him. "I want to know what happened no matter who caused it."

He looked at her. "Tony cornered me after a mission, he apologized and I feel guilty."

Camille leaned forwards."For what?" He bit her lip nervously."I feel guilty that I cut everyone else off so fast and.."

Sighing the woman knew what he meant."You think it was brash?"

He nodded. Camille took his face in her hands."Listen to me Peter, you did nothing wrong. You took your time to heal.

Never feel guilty for something you did to strengthen your bond with yourself.Because no matter what you cannot help others if you cannot help yourself."

Peter's gaze never left her as she spoke."I love you."

He says in a daze. She sighed and kissed his cheek."I love you to." He wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Can you let me show you how much I love you?"

He asked softly. She shook her head."No your feeling a lot of things right now, I just don't think it's a good idea Peter."

He looked at her and then took her hands from his face.

"Please I may not know what im feeling but I can feel you, let me feel something I can understand."

She looked at him. It was something she couldn't fathom.

Was this the impact she had on him. She knew how she affected men, but this was different.

It was like they breathed the same air, she could feel him.

It was magnificent, but was this the right decision? He was healing and this seemed too early.

"Okay my love." She would never leave him alone again.

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